Since season eight, Starlight Glimmer still has her friends, and one of them scored herself a boyfriend too. :iconstarlightcuteplz: Sunburst Icon Pony Trixie Lulamoon Happy Emoticon. Emoticon - Maud Bedroom Eyes Mud Briar technically
Team Starlight has always remained good and true, even while Twilight Sparkle is busy, and new friend joins, like Mudbriar, the very special somepony of Maud Pie. And it turns out, they will have more adventures and mishaps. One day, while Twilight and her best friends went to Canterlot to celebrate the spring solstice, Maud and Mudbriar were preparing their “Spring Solst-astic” party in Maud’s grotto, and invited Trixie, Sunburst, and Starlight to the event. However, Starlight was a little too dedicated to her role as guidance counselor at the School of Friendship, - especially since some of the students wished to see her before leaving for spring break - and this prevented her from preparing for the party, and, much to Trixie’s chagrin, cannot spend much time with Starlight. Despite reminding her friend of the spring solstice party, Starlight was so split between helping Trixie and helping her students that she was unable to properly focus on either task. By the time the day was through, Trixie was forced to handle everything herself. She then confronted Starlight in her office, and Starlight apologized for neglecting her friend. Silverstream, who spent all day seeing Starlight about an upcoming visit by her relatives from Sequestria but also her research assignment on dangerous creatures of the Everfree Forest, entered with yet another problem to talk with Starlight about. “Encouraged” by Trixie, Starlight decided not to ignore her friends anymore, and closed her office, telling Silverstream to go home for spring break and figure her problem out on her own.
Later that evening, Starlight and Trixie went to Maud and Mudbriar’s solstice party, and with Sunburst also in attendance. With the School of Friendship closed for spring break, Trixie looked forward to finally being able to spend time with Starlight without interruption. Unfortunately, Silverstream’s brother Terramar suddenly arrived in a panic, informing Starlight that Silverstream never arrived home when expected. When Trixie mentioned that Starlight dismissed Silverstream from her office shortly before she went missing, Terramar accussed Starlight for dismissing her. Trixie immediately stood up for Starlight, despite the latter neglecting her best friend. Nonetheless, Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Maud Pie, Mudbriar, and Terramar went in search for Silverstream.
They checked her dorm room, where she had been researching cockatrices for her research assignment, and they theorized she went into the Everfree Forest to look for the serpentine fowl creatures. At first, the search party got lost. Using Silverstream’s research notes and Mudbriar’s knowledge of shade trees, the group was attacked by an entire colony of cockatrices in the middle of a mass migration. Despite Starlight teleporting her friends to safety one-by-one, Mudbriar was turned to stone (much to Maud’s delight). The search party took shelter inside the doors of the Castle of the Two Sisters, and Starlight felt even more responsible for her going missing. But when they noticed the Treehouse of Harmony, Starlight realized that Silverstream had to be there, and sure enough she was! Having taken Starlight’s advice from earlier, Silverstream wanted to finish her research assignment before going home for spring break with the help of a cockatrice named Edith.
Despite Silverstream found and Mudbriar restored, Starlight still felt guilty for everything that had happened and failed in her duties as counselor, but her friends told her that she cannot completely devote herself to her students or else she risks neglecting her friends (and vice-versa). So, Starlight decided to set a schedule for students to see her at specific times during the day, and whenever she wasn’t working, she would spend time with her friends. Even after she became the school’s new headmare, Starlight still makes time for all her friends and her students.
A little something from Student Counsel. Since Maud has a boyfriend, why not include him. Too bad there was no room for Twilight. Now that I made his vector, I have a feeling will be seeing him and Maud for something special soon.
Starlight Glimmer by me
Sunburst by me
Trixie by me
Maud Pie by me
Mudbriar by me
One more to go.