Background Pony #D075 @Tetrominon So during that fight with Chrysalis, she couldn’t just straight used her powers cause some old reflection told her that’s not her purpose (despite having the literal power of the sun behind her)? …yeah, I’d totally buy it… Posted 4 years ago Report Link Quote Reply
Red-Supernova Passionate opinionator @Tetrominon I can understand why. Still, it would be cool to see them save the day once in a while. Posted 5 years ago Report Link Quote Reply
Tetrominon Undesirable That’s actually a really good explanation for why Celestia and Luna were never able to save the day themselves. Posted 5 years ago Report Link Quote Reply
So during that fight with Chrysalis, she couldn’t just straight used her powers cause some old reflection told her that’s not her purpose (despite having the literal power of the sun behind her)?
…yeah, I’d totally buy it…
I can understand why. Still, it would be cool to see them save the day once in a while.