“On the 12th day of Hearth’s War-ming my True Love game to me, 12 Tail Extentions, 11 Toy Horns Glowin’, 10 Prairie Dogs Performing, Nine Knitted Items, Eight Ewes a-Prancing, Seven Dice a-Rollin’, Six Hiding Places, Five Books on Speech! Four Pony Tones, Three Parasprites, Two Cider Jugs, and a Pegasus in an Apple Tree!”
And so we arrive at Christmas Day and the last day of the 12 Days of Hearth’s Warming. With that the song in complete. Thank you for joining me for this, and I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to look back at any of the individual panels with no text linked below, perhaps check out my Thanksgi- er, I mean National Hug-a-Turkey Day picture if you missed it:
Thank you all for joining me for this and have a merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Paper Textures:
For anyone curious, the following are some scrapped ideas of lyrics I came up with while brain-storming my version of the 12 Days of Christmas:
“A phoenix in an apple tree”
It was always going to be an apple tree, but this was my first thought of how to start my version and it was going to be Big Mac’s gift to Fluttershy. “A Pegasus in an Apple Tree” fit the timing of the original lyrics better and was a cuter idea, in my opinion.
“Five golden apples”
This one wasn’t very compelling to me. All it was going to be was Fluttershy presenting Big Mac with five gold apples with the implication that she got them from Discord with his tail coming just off panel or something. When I realized I could make “books on speech” match the original timing of the song, it wasn’t a hard decision to lose this one.
“Six needles knitting”
It was just going to be Big Mac presenting Fluttershy with a large ball of twine with six needles embedded in it, later expanded to Mac using the needles to knit something for Fluttershy. It wasn’t bad, I even sketched it out and was going to finalize the drawing before my mind got to work and thought of a way to finish “Six Hiding Places”, which I liked much more. It’s not like this idea was completely lost, I did rework it somewhat for “Nine Knitted Items”.
“Nine Nirik Burning”
A stack of surprisingly happy Nirik standing on each other’s backs to make a tower with a large blaze around them while Fluttershy and Big Mac nervously looked on. It was a wonderfully silly idea and alliterative to boot, so I was just a little torn about scrapping it. I removed it partly because of the number of bad gifts I kept coming up with for Fluttershy to give Big Mac. It was starting to seem like Mac kept getting her stuff she loved and she kept getting him awful, concerning gifts and I wanted to put a stop to that.
“Hoof balls bouncing”
“Roosters crowing”
“Lamps a-lighting”
I was going to include the Discord lamp in there somewhere. I just couldn’t think of who was giving and who was receiving, and why.
“Orthos barking/drooling”
“Dolls a-talking / of value TM / of rarity”
Fluttershy still trying to get rid of all the unwanted Holly the Hearth’s Warming dolls she and Applejack ended up with in Best Gift Ever.
“Watches ticking”
“Designer Yokes”
“Puppy kisses”
Winona licking Fluttershy’s face. Cute, but hard to convey that visually as a set number.
1st Day of Hearth’s Warming:
>>2220737 1st Day Alt:
2nd Day of Hearth’s Warming:
3rd Day of Hearth’s Warming:
4th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
5th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
6th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
7th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
8th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
9th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
10th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
11th Day of Hearth’s Warming:
12th Day of Hearth’s Warming: