Probably the most complicated one I’ve done yet! This is Sweetie Bot from the “Friendship is Witchcraft” parody series by Jenny Nicholson and Griffin Lewis or “Sherclop Pones” as they are referred to by their pseudonym on the YouTube channel. They sadly stopped making the series a while ago and are doing their own things now, but FiW is a very popular thing in the brony fandom and Sweetie Belle is probably one of the most well-received parts about it!
Now FiW is basically just an abridged series where they take actual footage from MLP and redub it with few visual changes so she doesn’t actually look like this in FiW, she remains the same as how Sweetie Belle appears in the actual show but has a robotic voice done by Griffin. I’ve seen lots of artists depict Sweetie Bot as an actual robotic pony and I took a few little bits of inspiration from this awesome animation:…
If you are interested in watching Friendship is Witchcraft (which I would highly recommend cuz it’s frigging hilarious!) here is a playlist:…
MLPFIM © Hasbro
Sweetie Bot concept © Sherclop Pones