Background Pony #D3F2
- [Moments later, Bingo finishes fixing the rocket]
- Bingo: What do you think, guys? She’s all repaired and ready to go.
- Pooh: It looks like it’s fixed.
- Sunset: Uh, Pooh, quick question. Why are Tigger, Rabbit & Scruffy coming?
- Pooh: Oh, that’s because they wanted to go to space, too.
- Rabbit: Yeah, I want to see the constellations.
- Tigger: Yep. That’s what Tiggers do best.
- Scruffy: That’s right. I wanna see what it’s like up there.
- Bingo: So that’s everyone? Then we’re on our way.
- Pip: Whoa, no way. Otis can’t fly this thing, he can barely drive a stick.
- Otis: Pip, relax. It’s just a simulated flight. I mean, you know, Bingo wouldn’t put his top test team in any kinda danger.
- Lincoln: He’s right. Plus, he, on the other hand, isn’t working with Pooh’s archenemies that we don’t know of.
- Bingo: Simulated. Yeah, you took these words right out of my mouth.
- Tigger: He sure did, monkey-boy.
- Bingo: Oh, oh, oh, and by the way, one little thing.
- Rabbit: What is it?
- Bingo: It’s not!
- [Bingo traps Otis, Pooh, Lincoln, Sunset, Pip, Rabbit, Tigger & Scruffy in the rocket]
- Otis: Huh? Hey, what’s going on? We’re trapped!
- Bingo: That’s right, cud boy, I’m sending you into orbit. Of course, there’s no biggie for someone with your vast space experience.
- Scruffy: But we won’t last long up there.
- Tigger: That’s not good.
- Lincoln: Bingo, you mean this whole thing was a lie?
- Pip: That’s what I thought you said, man.
- Otis: We were nice to you! We said you could stay with us and some of us licked you! Why are you doing this?!
- Bingo: Because I spent my whole life taking orders from humans! And I’m not about to start taking them from a cow, a bear, a boy and a girl!
- Scruffy: What’s gonna happen to our friends and Lincoln’s sisters?
- Bingo: Don’t worry, Scurry.
- Scruffy: It’s “Scruffy”!
- Bingo: Whatever. My partners and I will take care of them. Come over here, fellas!
- [The Dazzlings, with their legs seen, hide in a bush as they approach]
- Lincoln: Look at them, hiding in a bush. I like that.
- Adagio: Thanks, Lincoln Loud.
- [The Dazzlings get out of bush revealing theirselves]
- Adagio: We like you, too.
- [Pooh, Tigger & Rabbit gasp]
- Sunset: The Dazzlings!
- Pip: Wait, who are the Dazzlings?
- Rabbit: [whispering] Pooh’s archenemies.
- Tigger: Don’t worry, fellas, Pooh will take care of this. Right, buddy-bear?
- Pooh: I will?
- Tigger: I think we’re in big trouble.
- Sonata: Well then, have a nice blast!
- Aria: Finally, a good joke.
- Bingo: Nice one! Any moo. 10, 9…
- Sonata: Mind if I take over the countdown and we’ll say “blast off” together?
- Bingo: Sure.
- Sonata: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4… [rapidly] 3, 2, 1. And…
- Bingo and The Dazzlings: Blast off!
- [The rocket launches up into space, causing Otis, Pip, Scruffy, Lincoln & Sunset to scream]
- Bingo: [hooting] That’s the last time we’re ever gonna hear from Otis and his daring space team.