AJ’s Wedgie Hammock
When you are a farmer, you have to learn to improvise.
Stuff breaks, parts go missing, items go missing.
You have to find ways to get the job done.
Or else work backs up and money is lost.
Hammer broken? Grab a rock or a brick a use it to hammer in the nails.
Hose has a leak? Better find that duct tape.
Hammock rips? Better use your undies as a hammock~
And that’s what AJ did when her hammock ripped on her when she wanted to relax.
Hooking her undies onto the broken branch on the tree and the using her haunches to balance herself out.
She took a moment to settle in as the panties wedged into her flank, she was able to relax and take a restful nap.
It wasn’t the most optimal solution to her problem, nor that most appealing for most ponies, it was suitable for her.
Though the big wedgie and stretched panties were the price to pay, it was quite the comfy hammock.
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