Fluttershy - Ultraman Zearth, they both have paralyzing fears, but when their friends are in trouble, they summon the courage to fight
Rainbow Dash/ Glen Fire - Both are extreme hot heads (one is literal) both with egos that can burn out the sun
Rarity/ Mirror Knight - Grace, and the reflection of how they truely shine
Applejac/ Taro - i’ll admit… this was random… I don’t know many other Ultras… but Applejack seems like someone that would sacrifice herself so the others may live
Twilight/ Zero - both of which with a similar background… sent away from their homes until they learn the true lesson they are suppose to know
Pinkie - Ultraman Max, they both have something up their sleeve to help them save the day
Shining and Cadence/ Ace- Ace is created from a man and a woman…and he understands love
Luna/ Hikari - both were overtaken by darkness, created from their own desires
Nightmare Moon/ Belial - Both the outcomes of selfish desires
Celestia/ King - Ultraman fans have the same feelings for King and bronies do for Celesita…a very powerful being…who does abosolutely nothing…The only thing the two has down was deated a dark being (Nightmare/Belial) and sealed them away long ag