The U-six are on an autumn walk together, when they see the first leaves fall. Autumn is coming.
Ponies (left to right)
Rarity + Capper = Gem Glitter
Fluttershy + Big Mac = Golden Ginger
Rainbow Dash + Soarin = Cold Kicker
Twilight Sparkle + Flash Sentry = Sunspark
Pinkie Pie + Cheese Sandwich = Chocolate Hoof
Applejack + Flam = Caramel Candy
Golden Ginger: oh dear… The leaves are getting very orange. Wonder when they’ll fall. Running of the leaves might help.
Chocolate Hoof: yes, it will! hey, Sunny, isn’t it tomorrow?
Sunspark. Yes it is! But we can’t participate. We all have to prepare for grazefest.
Caramel Candy: This years grazefest is gonna be wild! The whole family coming together. And you all know my family isn’t the smallest.
Chocolate hoof: i’m already looking forward to the delicious oven-baked apples and roast corn!
Cold Kicker: That’s popcorn, Chocolate.
Gem glitter: Hey, everyone! Look! The leaves are falling!
Everyone: Woah!
Sunspark: Well, now we know that autumn is close. So is grazefest.