Lockpicke notes where the lines should go, and Face on the Wall smiles and nods.
“Good! Go on ahead. Master’s study is up ahead. Be sure to check there carefully! He spends a lot of time there.” The enchantment says as she hurries through the next door.
Oh she certainly will search his study well. This is gotta be where he keeps all the good stuff! The mare almost salivates at the thought of what treasures could wait there.
Along the hall she sees a room off to the side and turns to enter it. She almost instantly darts out of the doorway.
The room is not unlike the other rooms, except it seems quite a bit messier. There are piles of books everywhere. It appears that Face on the Wall’s master was also doing some alchemy, as there is a table full of recently used vials and beakers, however all these things aren’t what made the mare jump back.
In the middle of the room on an upraised dais someone has drawn what Lockepicke can tell even without any knowledge on the subject is some sort of demon circle. Standing near it levitating a red paintbrush is a unicorn mare.
She looks… Odd though. Her horn is unlike any horn she has seen on a unicorn. It curves halfway through and ends in a wicked point. In addition, the unicorn seems to have pointed teeth, or at the very least fangs.
She’s dressed in a spiked mantle and wearing some sort of skull embossed amulet. Lockepicke doesn’t wish to hazard a guess, but the mantle appears to be made of some sort of… Skin.
What does Lockepicke do?