The others are still being designed but they’ll be added later. …God, I’m tired… Anyway heres little stuff from left to right.
Name: Magnesia (Maggie)
Sex: Female
Race: Earth Pony
Parents: Starlight Glimmer and King Sombra
- Works as a maid and is Somber’s personal servant
- Adores her big brother though respects their difference in status
- Talent lies in making concoctions, such as medicines and poisons.
Name: Somber Eclipse
Sex: Male
Race: Unicorn
Parents: King Sombra and Lady Twilight Sparkle
- Despite being scary, he’s a huge nerd, like his mom
- Is very loyal to his kingdom and father
- Hates Equestrians
Name: Alexandrite Emmanuel Pie (Alex)
Sex: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Parents: Captain Rainbow Dash and Corporal Pinkiamina Diane Pie
- Super serious and a bit of of tightwad about duty
- Surprisingly honest and naive despite his job
- Smells sweet, not matter how dirty he gets.
Name: Rawr
Sex: Female
Race: Pony/Manticore
Parents: Treehugger and Manticor
- Never met her mother
- Calls herself Rawr cause that’s what her pack calls her (They just roar at her)
- Despite looking cute, she is actually venomous
So this is my mane cast of my Dark Star AU. The story will mostly focus on Somber and Maggie but you’ll get to know the others too. But first, a few things to note.
Maggie, as stated, is a maid but since her coat is so dark, I couldn’t give her the usual outfit. Not sure yet what color would be best… Mayber grey or silver? Either way, she adores her brother and delights in serving him, even is he is very wild and impulsive.
Alex was a lot of fun to color, though I haven’t gotten used to his mane yet. I’ll get the hang of it soon enough. Also, if anyone is wondering about his outfit, it’s meant to be similar to the character, Ishimaru Kiyotaka from Danganronpa (My fave in the game, besides Sakura and Mondo). Like Ishi, he is loyal and honest to a fault, though he fails to understand humor.
Lastly, there’s Rawr. So the reason her eyes look so… creepy is because I was trying to draw cat eyes and I haven’t gotten it down yet. Something is still off but give me some time and I’ll get it.
Honestly, I just wanted to try my hand at drawing them since all of these guys are either Customs or Adopts.
Somber and Alex are customs made by yuyusunshine (BTW, thx for the awesome designs)
Magnesia was adopted from SapphireScarletta (She’s such a cutepie, though a lethal one at that.)
Rawr was adopted from MLPfangirl17 (Again, another lethal cutie.)