Fluttershy was born in Canterlot. her parents tried very hard to raise her in the typical Canterlot fashion, to be snooty and mean and to look down on the other pony races, but she just Couldn’t™. her soul was just too kind, and she was too scared and anxious for it anyway. when she was finally old enough, and had enough bits, she bought a cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville and lived there instead, away from her parents and brother. there, at Ponyville, she discovered that she had a knack for animals, and earned her cutie mark after helping a lost baby bunny find it’s way back to it’s parents. after living there for a few years, she met the Mane 5 and became friends with them. right now, Fluttershy is learning to slowly overcome her anxiety with help from her friends.
some of her interests include: singing (by herself, or to her animals), taking care of her animals, Rainbow Dash i mean what, and folding little paper stars to add to her Star Jars