Omg, That season Finale was amazing. So amazing that I decided to make this Propaganda Poster thing for The Changeling Queen Chrysalis, Before someone else did x3
This is a vector, And I didn’t use that filter to get this color scheme, I had to manually do it. And here my original vector: [link]
So we have
The Solar Empire
New Lunar Republic
..The Colgate Collegiate
The Cadence Oligarchy/Conundrum/Society/whatever
Cult Of Chaos
And now
Chrysalis’ Swarm?
Or The Changeling Swarm/Minions/Children?
Um, how about we discuss this in the comments below?
And for those who haven’t heard, I lost my USB drive with all my comics in progress, and uhh.. am trying to scavenge backups an make up for lost time. I’ll try an get ’em finished soon.