Alias : Lavender
Role : Leader
Twilight is a former student of Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorn. One of the brightest and most magically gifted minds of the generation, Twilight excels in every field of studies she took and decided to further her study with the Equestrian Royale, Princess Celestia. It all went so well until Twilight found out that Celestia is been doing “a very bad thing” for a long time, even before Luna was banished. This puts Twilight in a serious trust issue with her mentor and made her turn her back against Celestia. Twilight launched several rebellions to fight Celestia, but were ultimately suppressed. After her hideout was raided by Celestia and her team, Twilight was severely injured but managed to escape to the forest. During her time in the forest, Twilight met a mysterious stallion who healed her wounds and helped her to get back on her hooves. She spent a very long time in the forest and discovered that the stallion is actually a fugitive and has been under the radar since 35 years ago. During her time with the stallion, Twilight learnt all she needs to take down Celestia and eventually mastered it.
One month after the stallion’s death due to severe sickness, Twilight started her move to gather a group of her own to fight against Celestia’s dictatorship.
Starlight’s Note
This mare here… She’s the kind of pony that I need to lead my crew. If she isn’t actually the leader, she’s definitely my trusted lieutenant. She’s the one who’s responsible for the chaos that happened 3 years ago at Canterlot. She isn’t the kind of pony that likes to joke around. Always remains calm even under non-stop firing. She always get the job done and hoping others will do the same too. Unlike the rest of the crew (and by the rest, I mean Pinkie only), she has the most priority of not killing civilians because they are the actual reason why Twilight joined this crew. For some reason that she will never talk about, she always brings a piece of deck that I think belongs to the stallion that helped Twilight. What makes her good leader? Her leadership duhhhh…. Seriously, who else manage to inspire other ponies just by using words that aren’t longer than 3 words, convince the cops to work for us and plan a perfect, foolproof, flawless strategy during a heist? Yep, only Twilight can do that. She makes her ambition to stop Celestia looks easy, even though it sounds impossible. How dangerous can my crew be?