Alternative titles: Rainbow Dash Posing As Twilight Sparkle, ‘My Name Is Twilight Sparkle! I’m a Huge Egghead!‘It’s about time that I got to this! I think that it was clever to have Rainbow Dash take on “Twilight mode” so I decided to vector it out. Has it been vectored out before? Maybe, but I plan on doing something special with this. You’ll see what it is later.“MY NAME IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND I’M A HUGE EGGHEAD WHO IS A KNOW-IT-ALL AND IS VERY SMART AND READS BOOKS ALL DAY LONG INSTEAD OF DOING USEFUL THINGS”FlutterDashAppleDashPinkieDashRariDashRainbowDash~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Artwork © ME Rainbow Dash & MLP:FiM © and co.Time taken: I don’t knowEpisode: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 5, Episode 8 “The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone”Reference image: Reference #16SVG: Rainbow Dash Posing as Twilight Sparkle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~