Haven’t done any pony fan art in a long while, much due to not really watching the series anymore. Except for episodes with Diamond Tiara, ‘cause she’s awesome. So I just kind of started to idly sketch out an artist’s impression of Filthy Rich’s mansion in Ponyville since the house seen in “Twilight Time” didn’t seem impressive enough to me (particularly as it apparently should have many rooms), and finally ended up with this.
I started off with the idea of the base house being like a large, stately country manor in the style of the 18th-19th century. But I spiced things up with more modern touches - some which likely familiar from my architecture photography of Tampere - that would suggest that, as the family got wealthier, the house was later somewhat expanded and remodelled to modernise it (likely by Filthy’s unnamed father) and show off said wealth in comparison to most other surrounding houses, which is only accentuated by its expansive gated estate. And a terrace and pool in the back, a luxury not typical for the relatively rural town.
The bottom floor contains the common areas, like salon, dining room, kitchen, and ball room, the second the bedrooms and offices, and part of the third is reserved for the servants’ quarters, as well as containing a largish lodge-like space with a loft from where gaze over the rest of the town. Likewise, I added an arched alcove to the side entrance to the living room to create an additional detail of stateliness and to break up the otherwise straight façade a bit. The main porch has largely remained original, though, from the time of the house’s original construction.
I made this into a postcard design as it was fairly typical up until the early 20th century that influential and rich people would have their homes immortalised in postcards (photos or drawings), so I could see the Rich household being pictured in this manner as well. Was a pretty easy draw that even surprised me how effortlessly the details just got together - just the actual colouring took me ages to do as is typical of me as I try to keep my motivation from sagging half-way through its tedium. Overall, I’m generally quite happy how this turned out.