Two very popular reformed villains in the My Little Pony universe, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer, walk the halls of Canterlot High School together in this new fan art offering in my MLP: Two of a Kind crossover series. Sunset, a human from birth, is a student in Twilight Sparkle’s Friendship Studies class at the school, and the Princess of Friendship’s residential student :) at the Castle of Friendship is on campus as a guest. They both have a lot in common, and are becoming fast friends.
This is an incomplete drawing. I still need to finish Starlight’s mane, tail and cutie mark, as well as the background. But as you can see, the CHS student body still has a good healthy disgust for their affluent, uniform-clad crosstown rivals.
Original description and picture by newportmuse, not me by the way.