Penelope meets the ponies Pinkie Pie: Well hello hello We are the ponies from Ponyville, not all of us, but most of us and we’re here to give you a warm welcome I’m Pinkie Pie, I like everything that’s pink Rainbow Dash: I’m Rainbow Dash, I love fashion and dressing up and I love the colors of the rainbow Toola-Roola: I’m Toola-Roola, I love being creative and drawing Scootaloo: I’m Scootaloo, I love the outdoors, sports and stuff Starsong: I’m Starsong, I love to sing and dance Sweetie Belle: We’ve met, Sweetie Belle, remember, the pony that makes sweets Cheerilee: I’m Cheerliee, I love reading books and making hairstyles Penelope: It’s a pleasure to meet all of you And we all share a few things Fashion, singing, dancing, painting, sports All: Yeah!Penelope: I hope that we’ll all be good friends Everyone: YEAH!from left to right:Rainbow Dash, Toola-Roola, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Penelope, Starsong ( is up), Cheerilee and Pinkie Pie