Artist comment:
I like the idea of ponies being able to inherit certain features from their parent other than just looks
Candy’s an earth pony but got her father’s unicorn traits (cloven hooves, fetlocks, long tail)
Nidra’s a batpony/alicorn and got her mother’s feathers, fetlocks, and long tail and got her father’s bat wings
Starburst is a pegasus but got her mother’s unicorn traits (cloven hooves and long tail)
Sugar is a unicorn but got her mother’s earth pony traits (lacks normal unicorn traits and has a stronger earth pony build)
Anthea is a unicorn but got her father’s earth pony traits (has a short tail)
Cloudy is a pegasus but got her father’s unicorn traits (fetlocks and cloven hooves)
Nighty is a unicorn but got his father’s pegasus traits (feathers and tail feathers)
Sorry for the inactivity! Just kinda taking it easy for my first week of break XD