“um, Twilight…?”
whisper “D-do you think Discord could um…help…with the tree?”
“I don’t know, Fluttershy, that might not be a very good–
“Why of course I can help!”
snap “TA-DA! It even grows candy fruit!!”
“No? Really? Fine…”
snap “How about something a bit more menacing!”
“Are those plunder vines!?”
“No, you’re right. That’s not nearly menacing enough.” snap
“But I am trying to help!! Surely you don’t want your plain, old boooring tree house back!?”
“That’s exactly what I want!”
“oh…please don’t fight…”
…. “oh, FINE!” snap
“There! Boring as ever, Princess Spakle.” pause “…with a few improvements.”
“It’s Sparkle and- huh?”
“Well the tree was fixed with chaos magic! You’ll have to expect a few surprises here and there.”
“Like WHAT?”
“It…it wouldn’t be anything…bad…or mean, right?”
“Of course not, my dear! Perish the thought!”
found the CANDY CLOUD AHHH!!
“Just some harmless, chaotic fun!”
…. GOOD GOD. there’s something wrong with me. Eleven frames in this comic wtf! XD I’m sorry. Not really. I had way too much fun with this. AND…I think I’m even gonna COLOR it. Maybe. We’ll see. When/if I do I’ll try and figure out a better way to put the text on there. For now, follow the story in the pictures and the text with the emoticons. Why was this so much fun? I’m weird. ALSO: I’m aware of the fact that Discord probably wouldn’t be quite as big of a troll after the incident with Tirek (especially not so soon afterwards) because he very obviously felt guilty about that BUT this is just for fun. Come on, Discord trolling Twilight is hilarious. I hope they don’t change his character too much in season five. Anyways. Enjoy this…madness.