source description:
Another next gen idea of mine, hope you like him <3
Name: Bass Beat
Parents: Octavia and Vinyl Scratch
Special Talent: percussion type music, things you can FEEL
Bass’s moms decided they wanted a foal and sought magic to aid them in their endeavor. Magic can be unpredictable though, and Bass was born deaf. It was initially a blow to his parents, but they didn’t let it bother them long. They both learned hoof signs (a language with is a mixture of hoof movements and clops) and Vinyl learned to air write with her magic. Bass never felt ‘disabled’, in fact, he is INCREDIBLY perceptive. He can feel vibrations on the ground and tell where other ponies are around him, in some cases even feel where loud sounds are coming from just from the vibrations.
Despite being deaf he has a very deep appreciation for music. As a young cold he would lean against Octavia’s cello while she played and feel the music she made, and he started to show an impeccable sense of rhythm, often getting in trouble in school for banging on his desk and stomping out beats. With age he honed his talents and became a great drummer.
He learned (while he was young and trying desperately to fit in) that if he tries very hard with his magic, he can interpret sound waves in some semblance of hearing, but he doesn’t do it often. It’s difficult to maintain and most of the time not worth it, as any ‘sound’ is faint and muted. Mostly he uses this ability when one of his mothers has a new song.
His personality is very similar Vinyls, much to the annoyance of his other mother. Just what she needed, two vinyls ‘wubbing’ the dishes every morning.