(copied from original)
Y’know, I really should stop introducing new characters and work more on developing the ones I have and telling the stories that I have to tell.
Anyway, here we have the Pants with their young children. Fancy and Fleur are the proud parents of twins, Glory and Valor.
Glory is 3 1/2 minutes older, a fact she constantly exploits in arguments with her brother. She is a mare of many talents, learning many skills and hobbies as fast as anyone can teach her. Ballet, art, rollerskating, modeling, fencing, tennis, chess, and polo are just a few of the many activities in which she partakes. She’s very quick-minded and driven. While she shows great skill in everything she does, quickly achieving proficiency, she never stays with anything long enough to fully master it. She’s somewhat competitive and is disappointed when she is inevitably bested, but not so much so that she becomes motivated to focus more on one thing and master it. She prefers to juggle the many things she does, content with not being the best as long as she can do everything she loves.
Unfortunately, all that juggling makes it difficult for her to make friends. Almost all of the friends she does have she met through her brother.
Glory’s parents are proud of her, but wish she wouldn’t push herself so hard or stretch herself so thin.
Valor is also driven, though somewhat less than his sister. He enjoys fencing and soccer and is the captain of the latter team at school. Valor is very approachable and makes friends quite easily. His friends often come to him if they need help with a problem or to settle an argument.
Like his sister, and much to his own embarrassment, Valor did have a brief career in modeling as a child. Shortly after their birth, Fleur brought both the twins to have their baby pictures taken by her photographer, who convinced her to let him send a few in to a local modeling agency. The twins soon become the new faces on jars of baby food and diapers sold all throughout Canterlot. Valor didn’t do as well in front of a camera as time passed and eventually stopped, but Glory continued modeling off and on for years.
Glory was inspired by G1 Glory and Valor was inspired by Lancer from My Little Pony Tales. I’m not sure if I’m completely satisfied with his colors, but I think they should be good.