Background Pony #A4C2
@Background Pony #1515  
this was word of mouth at a convention after a fangirl asked. I know that isnt good enough, but I was there when it happened. :P sorry.
Background Pony #93F1
@Background Pony #B22C  
Does anyone have a link to the relevant tweet/comment/whatever?
Artist -

EqG fan + Love Liver
Now where’s my popcorn? A drama is going to happen again.
Background Pony #A4C2
@Background Pony #DA26  
Did you read he typed? It was CONFIRMED that he isnt! Do you know what confirmed means!?
Background Pony #15C1
Yes he is

@Background Pony #DA26  
Sigh, no he isnt. It was confirmed that he wasnt.
Background Pony #15C1
Girls he gay

@Background Pony #EAD5  
Sounds like a plan. ;)
Background Pony #AD0F
@Background Pony #EAD5  
clearing breath  
like I meant a fan comic
Background Pony #AD0F
oops… my sorrows  
you can turn these scenarios into comics if you want

@Background Pony #DA26  
I drew Starlight here having a normal conversation with Wiz as a friend, while Scribble Dee interprets it as something romantic :P
Background Pony #15C1
I thought starlight like norman

Ah, now this is good! :D
Background Pony #A4C2
Because what you saw was fan art by a pedophile! NOT from the actual show.
Background Pony #15C1
Deletion reason: No reason given

I got it now. :D
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Friendly Griffon - For helping others attend the fifth anniversary party
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Nooo problem! :3
The Power of Love - Given to a publicly verified artist with an image under their artist’s tag that has reached 1000 upvotes
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Silver Supporter - Silver Patron
Element of Generosity - For users who have donated to the site
Friendly Griffon - For helping others attend the fifth anniversary party
Happy Derpy! -
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Try following this link while you’re logged in:
Or if you use the .ru URL:

I don’t see user links :P
Background Pony #AD0F
ever turning these into comics?  
Your answer is No

@Background Pony #EAD5  
This story has some potential mate. ;)
Background Pony #AD0F
Button Mash: “Curley, whats with the black eye?”  
Curley Winds: “Oh this bl- ‘pokes his left eye’ OW!”  
Button Mash: “Let me guess… Scribble Dee is it?”  
Curley Winds: “I… well…”  
Sweetie Belle: “Thats a nasty blow for a…”  
Scribble Dee: “SURPRISE!!!  
Button Mash: “WHAT THE… Gets Strangled by Dee herself  
Both Belle and Winds run away and screaming
The Moral of the conspiracy: You never censored with a Nerd

@Background Pony #EAD5  
Ooooh, I like where this went. Good job mate ;)