True, but I’ve gotten into the habit of asking because what I think might not match what other people think. For example, “Damnation!” isn’t something I really think of as a swear word, though “damn!” is. However, I know some people who don’t consider “damn” to be a swear word.
I’ve seen the new season. I just don’t get how Spike can abuse the map? Isn’t it supposed to let them know when a serious Friendship problem in Equestria to get a ‘glass of water’?
TS: you just wanted me to get out of bed and ruin my moment with Flash, didn’t you Spike?
Sp: what? no, seriously I just wanted a glass of water, I had no idea you and Flash were-
TS: oh what the heck, fine! move over Spike
Sp: you serious about this Twilight? but what about Flash?
TS: who cares! do you want your early bday present or not?! >:(
Sp: yes please! :)
A damn shame season 3 isn’t done airing in the Netherlands (which we refer to as just Netherland. Since friggin’ 1848). Does anybody know a good site to watch S4 and S5? I’d like to see the Amazing Purple Flashlight before the turn on=f the century.
Are Flash Sentry and Twilight married in DM29’s fanon, or is this Spike passively-aggressively trying to break up the stranger diddling his sister/mom?