Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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@Factory Yoshi  
Like Ms. Harshwhinny said earlier, there’s just as much connection there as between those into BDSM and rapists.
Factory Yoshi

@Ms. Harshwhinny  
I didn’t mean it exactly like that, like I said, I’m not saying just because you have a diaper fetish you’re a pedophile, it’s just the possibility of the connection isn’t too far fetched… ah buck what have I gotten myself into… >.<
Background Pony #EA62
@Ms. Harshwhinny  
Beautifully put.
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

@Ms. Harshwhinny  
I’m bad with words but this is what I meant to say.
Ms. Harshwhinny
A Perfectly Normal Pony - <Ms_Harshwhinny> Trixie is literally best pony at this point.

Let’s put it into a thing that you’ll probably understand better than that.
You’ve seen around how people go and say that video games make children into crazy people that shoot up schools correct? Sounds really ridiculous, and can be essentially disproved with simple, basic math.
Violent video games sell really well. Millions and millions of copies. A huge, large fraction of those end up in the hands of children to young teenagers. Let’s say about 40%. If this were the case, and violent video games were to be the cause of violence, we’d have a huge epidemic of violence in young children to teenagers, and some people over the age of eighteen. Let’s say that .05% of the millions of kids that play video games go and shoot some shit up. That’s still too many than it is in reality. There hasn’t been many instances where huge violent things happen, at least not enough to point a finger to where video games would be the problem or cause of it all.
It just so happened that the person that played the games was mentally ill to begin with instead of it being the cause of violence.
The same applies here, with fetishes. Let’s say people have a diaper fetish, and the same mathematics is applied here, But at a smaller number. Same formula. Same results.
The thing isn’t that people look at a diaper on a baby and think that it’s hot because diapers on babies. People who aren’t batshit insane or mentally ill will go “Woah wait, no, I don’t want that, That’s wrong.” The difference between someone with a diaper fetish being attracted to a normal person and someone with a diaper fetish being attracted to a baby is that the person attracted to the baby is mentally ill, Regardless of what he’s interested in sexually.
It’s a whole thing where “Hitler breathed air too, that means you caused the holocaust” kind of logic just makes someone sound fucking stupid to a point.
I’m also adding the discussion in the comments tag, just in case. It’s not really drama, but it is a discussion at least.

@Ms. Harshwhinny
I don’t think he necessarily means all cases would be that way but it could potentially act as sort of a gateway for some who would go down that path.
I think if we were honest even with this pony fandom there are some that by said fandom have found and spiraled their own ways into things…. that shall we say may not be for the best.
Again as in my last post I think their are elements of “choice” mixed in with all these things and “ponies” or not may make no difference.
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

@Factory Yoshi  
There’s no correlation between diaper fetish and pedophilia. Stop insinuating nonsense please.
>If staying tucked away in the closet is something I must do to keep “danger” from hitching a free ride into the open then so be it.  
That’s the dumbest thing I read today.
Ms. Harshwhinny
A Perfectly Normal Pony - <Ms_Harshwhinny> Trixie is literally best pony at this point.

@Factory Yoshi  
Dude what, That means everyone into furry pornography and ponies masturbate to actual animals and that BSDM fetishes are into rape. Do you really want to say that?
Factory Yoshi

@Background Pony #537E  
Yes but what about the possibility of the fetish turning into pedophilia (Or Paedophilia I really don’t care) I don’t think that is something too far fetched, and as sad as it is, there is probably someone with a diaper fetish somewhere who masturbates to babies in diapers, it’s something we can’t deny, it is most probably a thing, not to say all diaper fetishists are the same… but yanno… :/
Background Pony #EA62
@Factory Yoshi
It’s just like any other clothing fetish, really. If a baby is wearing it, or any other non-attractive, then pleasure is from imagining themselves in their place: from imagining themselves wearing it; no attraction to the baby would happen, typically.

Uhg… Hate when I mistype, last line should read, “obviously it isn’t easy”

@Factory Yoshi  
Actually that is something I greatly fear if anyone ever tried to “normalize” the diaper fetish. If staying tucked away in the closet is something I must do to keep “danger” from hitching a free ride into the open then so be it.
Also I am a great beliliever that we are not JUST what we are “born” as, our “environment” or just “choice”. We are a delicate balance between all three.
It is like with Trouble Shoes, he can’t really “help” that he is clumsy and his cutie mark just is what it is BUT he can try to be careful in public and just have fun in the clown ring and help others laugh and such.
Our base instincts and environment we don’t have much say in, but in how we react, adapt, and grow we sometimes have more say then we want to admit. Obviously it easy and we all screw up from time to time but I personally think that a lot of life is what you make it from what you have.
Factory Yoshi

@Keira Alcove  
Well for that reason I see no problem in having a diaper fetish, when I get creeped out with diaper fetishes is people who actually get hard over diapers, cos I just think of how would they react if they saw a baby in a diaper? and could that fetish turn into something worse? o_o
Background Pony #EA62
@Keira Alcove  
Adding a bondage element in this picture kinda pushes this particular piece in the direction of “sexual,” though, as much as I’d like to think of it as innocent.
It’s still adorable as freak, though.
Keira Alcove
Artist -

Diapers can be a harmless fetish too, not everyone into it wears them for sexual reasons or even to use them. Wether people believe it or not, there’s people out there, like myself for example, who just enjoy how a diaper feels when worn, and pretty much just wears them purely for comfort.
Pootis Bird

Silly Filly
@Factory Yoshi  
I mean, if you think about it, diapers and gas masks can go hand in hand for changing awful diapers~! …
Background Pony #93C5
@Background Pony #BF53
Well, the first improvised gas masks were urine-soaked cloths in the Second Battle of Ypres, which reacted with the chlorine to prevent inhalation.
Factory Yoshi

@Pootis Bird  
x3 I guess… :3 I just think gas masks are really cute and by extension uber sexy… - 3 -
Factory Yoshi

@amess xD Good point! puts my gas mask on owo
Pootis Bird

Silly Filly
@Factory Yoshi  
Wait, a gas mask fetish? Sir, I actually have never heard of that before ever. Congratulations! But, it sounds like a harmless fetish. ^ . ^
Factory Yoshi

@Background Pony #BF53  
xD True… in a weird way… :3

@Background Pony #BF53  
And depending on which diaper enthusiast’s character you encounter a gas mask may be advisable.
Background Pony #B848
hmm, Wonder if Sourin Tied her up..