Pinkie threw a party that went wrong. One of the decorations came loose and landed square on rainbow dashes head. Before it happened rainbow got drunk on cider and called fluttershy a flutterbitch. Rainbow dash haz been stuck lkke this since the party incident last night.
Twilight cant come up with how to fix her.
Fluttershy says to just leave her like this.
Pinkie is trying to think of what kind of party could absolve her of guilt.
Rarity just wants things back to normal.
Applejack hates how no one listened to her advice of letting rainbow dash sleep it off and blamed her for the cider.
Rainbow dash has no strong opinions on rainbow dash st this time.
Sunset didnt come to party and is only now learning about it.
Fluttershy: “you discuss me!”
Pinkie pie: I’ll make that apple in apple pie…”
Applejack: “what r u look in’ at ya pink freak!”
Rainbow dash: “durrrrrrrr”
Twilight Sparkle: “hahahahah look at me! I’m princess of the world!”
Rarity: “this has got to be the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!”
Sunset Shimmer: “what’s the point of getting up in the morning anymore?”