I’m not entirely sure what the intention behind this picture is. It’s either an actual attempt at proselytizing, or it’s just a meme. At this point, I hesitate to say there’s really a difference.
Unity, not Division. That’s why “The LORD is one.” (Note: the translation reading “The LORD” is really not 100%. There’s so so so much more to its writing in Hebrew that English translations miss.)
although the problem with physical gods and hasbro is they’re surprisingly weak for their supposed stature (mostly with transformers. lots of ‘physical gods’ in the franchise gets surprisingly defeated very easily).
Showing real life religion in cartoons is hard to do because everyone is ready to go off on you if you say anything other than they’re right and everyone else is going to Hell.
Changing streams, on a practical level, everyone seems to venerate Celestia (which she’s probably resigned herself to by now), so churches would be kind of superfluous when your “deity” can be visited or her words of guidance found in the newspaper, and there’s no real point in prayer when sending a letter is more reliable.
i meant applying real life stuff (keeping it ‘realistic’) in cartoons is hard to do because writers can ignore or apply stuff as they see fit(for example making a christmas/easter episode but only showing santa claus/the easter bunny, no jesus). so it’s easier to keep the ‘realism’ low than risk making problems down the line (no religious stuff, no political stuff).
adding real life religions to shows is hard to do because like everything else, a writer can choose to show one religion more favorably than the others.
I thought playing with comically oversized horseparts made you go blind. Or is that only if they’re yours?
And not touching on religion because the show does not is, I agree, not a particularly strong justification. However, there are other reasons not to speak of it. it’s a subject that has great potential to offend and to cause division and bickering.
Again, I think it’s simpler to just say that it’s Twilight who’s Sunset’s savior, or perhaps that the human versions of Applejack, Fluttershy, et. al. were. Or both.
I don’t think religion as we know it exists in Equestria, let alone a specific real one like Christianity. But this is a fanart site, and for me what makes fanart fun is that it allows us to play with concepts that the show cannot or will not explore. So saying that Derpibooru cannot play with the subject of religion because the show does not is to me like saying that Derpibooru cannot play with comically oversized horseparts because the show does not. And you must agree with me that the thought is unimaginable!
Except that Earth religion doesn’t exist in the FIM-verse, nor does it appear to exist in the EQG-verse. And praise be to Celestia for that, boy howdy.
There’s something that I absolutely love about the idea of Sunset becoming a hardcore Christian, provided it was one of the ultrameek, turn-the-other-cheek, early-Simpsons-Flanders branches. It would be both hilarious and oddly endearing.
Is it or is it not meant as “They don’t exist but people think they do even though they don’t”? Illusions can seem convincing even though they’re not what they look like.
Or, that it - No matter how it may sound - was actually more like “It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies” where Fluttershy had to kick the Breezies out lest they never get home; A smaller hurt to stop a catastrophe that the child cannot understand. I realize I’m talking about some big stuff here, (Like literal acid rain which I did dream of years back) but I wonder about what the situation would have been in greater detail.
Actually, “The LORD” is a “Not the whole story” thing if what I’ve read is right. As I’ve read it, Thousands of years ago Jews were scared to try pronouncing the name (Thinking they’d be in trouble if they said it wrong because of the third commandment; Making the name vain - or should I say, making the name of no effect?) so they just put “The LORD” underneath the name as a reminder to say that instead of even attempting to pronounce it lest they do it improperly; Hence why “The LORD” is said all over the Bible - Over 6,000 times (Correct me if I’m wrong) - and there’s reference to the name (Such as Psalms 96:2; “Sing unto The LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.” - KJV) but the name is never actually said in the millions of Bibles printed. Rather than being like this…
(The LORD/King)
… They just put “The LORD” in. I’ve read that this name and title underneath it is also where “Jehovah” comes from, too; It’s a combination of both the name and the Hebrew word for “The LORD” - done in ignorance, perhaps.
I also wonder in my tiny mind if printing “The LORD” was as close as many people could think on subject of Christianity without going batty - or if that’s not the case.