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My Little Pony has 75 times as much porn as Steven Universe! For every explicit image of Garnet, Amethyst or Pearl, there’s 75 pictures of pony porn!
March 2015 showed the largest amount of new porn created for the Steven Universe series. More explicit imagery was generated in March than in the last five months combined! My Little Pony never experienced such a massive surge in Rule 34.
Special thanks to Infinion for helping me make this chart, which contains the monthly porn production for Steven Universe and My Little Pony since the premiere of Steven Universe in 2013. For more regarding the rivalry between these two shows, which would later become known as “the Baby Wars,click on the following link.
March 2015 showed the largest amount of new porn created for the Steven Universe series. More explicit imagery was generated in March than in the last five months combined! My Little Pony never experienced such a massive surge in Rule 34.
Special thanks to Infinion for helping me make this chart, which contains the monthly porn production for Steven Universe and My Little Pony since the premiere of Steven Universe in 2013. For more regarding the rivalry between these two shows, which would later become known as “the Baby Wars,click on the following link.
8chan was literally founded on bitching about
women having the audacity to play and report on video gamesother groups; Tumblr ain’t got nothin’ on the chans when it comes to pissy moaning.As for limiting the research to one site, please keep in mind that I’m only one person; doing this every month during my free time. It’s not like I have a government grant and am paid to study porn for a living. If I was, you can bet the research would be more thorough.
I picked specifically because it specializes in porn of everything. It just have a rule against posting porn of OCs, which would give the Sonic fandom and other fandoms an advantage over series without excessive OCs. This limits the porn to actual characters, without muddying the data with ponysonas and gemsonas.
Ah, that explains it.
Tumblr has a lower threshold for bitching at other groups than the rest of the web. Not that shocking
I am legitimately shocked that the damage appears to be largely contained to Tumblr; that’s the tag the semi-responsible perverts use for SU porn to keep it segregated from the rest of the fan art.
I’m morbidly ciurious but google search returns nothing.
This tells me, that MLP has not enough foalcon porn.
That is an interesting queston. However, I’m not sure how you’re going to take stasticial analysis and use it to answer a “Why” question.
I want to know why? Why does Twilight Sparkle have more porn drawn of her than any other character? Why is Pokemon the only series with a larger number of explicit images? Bronies have only been around for five years, yet their creative output dwarfs nearly any other fandom. Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Marvel comics, DC comics. None of the porn generated by any of these fandoms, which have been around for decades, comes close to the amount of porn created by bronies.
I want to know why? Are bronies generally more perverted? Art they more artistic than the average fandom? Porn only accounts for about 10% of all MLP fan art. What compels bronies to create at a rate that’s greater than every fandom besides Pokemon?
Hmmm. If you’re simply trying to prove that MLP is generates more adult images simply in terms of quantity than Steven Universe fandom, this seems to be a pretty straightforeward task- though, of course, I’m wondering about the next step of science: Analysis. Once you have proven your hypothesis, What conclusions are you attempting to draw from it? Because a data point in and of itself is kinda useless.
Science: “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”
Systematic: “done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.”
Experiment: “An orderly procedure carried out with the goal of verifying, refuting, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis.”
Hypothesis: “a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.”
My hypothesis is that bronies generate more porn than any other fandom. I experiment by gathering data on the amount of rule 34 produced each month. This is done in an orderly fashion. Through this process, I am able to compare each fandom in terms of productivity. Click the link in the description for more information.
I guess I’m just not sure what the point is. What does this graph supposed to tell us? That we produce more porn? I think that as defensive as we can get about the subject sometimes well all already know that…
My expertise is in rule 34 statistics. I can tell you that explicit images makes up about 10% of all mlp fan art. This information isn’t reflected in this chart.
If you want to know safe to NSFW ratio and a comparative size of the different fandoms, this chart won’t help you. If you want to see how much porn each fandom generated month-to-month, this is the chart for you. It all depends on what you’re looking for.
It’s called a spike in interest. When something is being talked about, it increases interest and exposure. Just take a look at any controversy and look at how there is a spike in numbers correspondent with the time the controversy is being talked about.
Unless you can make numbers that takes into consideration the relative size of the fanbase, artists and the % difference in safe to nsfw ratio, this whole graphic is hogwash.
It’s worth noting that Steven Universe generated more porn in March than in the previous five months combined! Even when My Little Pony was just starting to become popular, it never saw such an explosive growth in new porn. If this continues, Steven Universe may be a force to be reckoned with.
In conclusion: oh no, the amount of porn is not the same, this affects me on a personal level somehow.
Part of the reason why I focused on is because they don’t allow OCs. Only canon characters. This helps report more accurate numbers, since the Sonic rule 34 would be much larger if OCs were allowed. MLP has ponysonas and Steven Universe has gemsonas.
The case could be made that OCs are an indication of the popularity of a series, but I feel it gives certain fandoms too much of an advantage.
For example, fans of Super Mario Bros aren’t known for creating OCs like the Sonic fandom. I want to try and keep everyone on as equal footing as possible.
My thoughts exactly.