The Princesses are basically minor deities. Ponies friggin’ swear on Celestia as an analogue to God. Also, Mr. Waddle at the funeral with a pasteboard collar, ceremonial candles, and reading out of an obviously religious text. And Daring Do running around ancient religious sites.
Furthermore, I’d frankly be more surprised if Celestia didn’t pick up a cult or two over the years “praising the sun”. Seriously, look at that plot.
All of Equestria shall be overtaken by the Smooze, have no doubt. Only those who are truly faithful to Him shall be saved from His oozy wrath. All others shall be consumed by the ooze.
Also, thinking about it, religion can spring up around real people as well as nebulous forces, can’t they? Perhaps not religion as we understand it, but a form of it, at least.
Most religious people see it as a good show with moral values to teach them. At least a reasonable christian would see it as upholding similar values they do and therefore support it.
I dunno about this. Some of the major mysteries that surround religion regard the nature of death, and the origins of the world. Not even the princesses seem to hold the answers to them.
Also, the existence of cutie marks suggest that Destiny is a concept that all ponies would have strong reason to believe in in Equestria, and that begs the question, if there is a destiny, what is the destination? And if things are set to work towards a certain ultimate goal, whose goal is that?
PS. I’m an agnostic atheist in real life, but I’m sure I’d have a much harder time being one in Equestria.