Rarity gets killed by Bonnie.
Sweetie Mash gets killed by Foxy.
Freddy will sneak in and get Twilight.
Fluttershy is safe, surprisingly.
And the oc forgets that bullets don’t do much against robots.
@Background Pony #4F87
What sort of strange video game universe do you live in that something can dodge a slug flying at around 1800 FPS? They don’t teleport, they just move pretty fast when the cameras flicker. Still they have a chock point of the doorway. They shove their ugly face through the door and blame. But I will concede the point that this is a kids restaurant and they really shouldn’t have half an inch thick holes in them.
As I said before, it would make the game way too easy if you could just gun them down before they got to your face. Plus, they teleport (Or run really fast) so I doubt shooting them would work if they could dodge your bullets or shells.
Blackjack and I carry very similar mentalities towards this game. What the fuck kind of security doesn’t have some form of defense? A Remington 870 with slugs would make sure them animatronics were nice and behaved for the whole night.