No, the show was never about forgiveness or acceptance. It’s about friendship, pure and simple. Lauren Faust had a point when she said she doesn’t like the idea of all villains reforming, and she is right; for all the talk about how mature the show can be, it shows an uncomfortable truth that many fans refuse to confront; not everyone can just have a heel-face turn just because of friendship or a rainbow beam that smacks them. It doesn’t matter if you like certain antagonists-it’s not an automatic guarantee for them to become good. Honestly, I’ve been planning on writing a fanfic that actually points out this whole problem.
How I see Chrysalis in a good light is similar to Ask Fluffle Puff and When Villain Win. I like seeing her as a caring mother to her changelings and tries to hide it through her vicious exterior.
I’ve been coming up with my own headcanons on the Dazzlings’ heel turns ever since I saw Rainbow Rocks.
I can see the Dazzles having a heel turn. but might be a little tougher for Chrysalis granted I do like the comics where discord is forcing her to camp with fluttershy and the “when villain win” one.
@Beau Skunky
I don’t really mind “heel-face turns” since this show is about forgiveness and acceptance after all. But what really annoys me is that the villains I want to see pull a heel-face turn (Queen Chrysalis and the Dazzlings.) get ignored.
@Dirty Bit
I remember Lauren Faust said she doesn’t like villains pulling “heel-face-turns” usually. (Even though she was the first one to do it with Nightmare Moon/Luna.) A few villains doing that is fine, but I don’t think they all can change. (Or would want to.) Especially, rather nasty ones like Tirek or Sombra.
I admit, I didn’t like Discord pulling a “heel-face-turn,” at first, but I liked how he wasn’t instantly “fully-reformed,” (still retaining his personality, and “pesky/mischievous” side) and touched on it more in his further appearances, especially in the S4 finale.
Some fans also compare it to Q’s “heel-face-turn,” as well. (John De Lancie’s character in Star Trek, whom Discord was kinda based off of, and often compared to.)