@Niggoslav_Krawczyk Wow, you’re good! You almost made me wanna disprove your bullshit, but that would have been tantamount to feeding you, now wouldn’t it? ;)
lol it’s become a running gag of sorts.
apparently there’s a BGP who doesn’t know it’s an authentic polish name and thinks it’s a play on ‘nigger slave’
of course I can’t tell if it’s the same one each time, being continually clueless, or a different one continuing the joke, but my time on the chans back at its inception leads me to believe it’s gone copypasta.
also as I was gonna say before textile ate my comment: oh, trust me, they do quake in their shoes, it’s just that there’s only 8 of us and all these useless-ass hippies can’t be weaponized anymore as they once were during the Weatherman/Black Panther days. So we’ll have one last REALLY terrible generation where the corporates go full-on rapacious beasts of the earth mode before we can reduce them to smoking rubble. It doesn’t help some of the worst like Jobs and Kodick reinvented themselves to have some ‘cool hipster appeal’ with the youth, even those who typically would join such movements. Because of that even those who hate them pass them off as not being so destructive as they really are. So we’ll just have to wait for this generation to pass the torch for true reforms to be possible or plausible.
Wallstreet isn’t fucking shaking in their shoes at you because you throw rocks at buildings and bully the handicapped man. They are still rich and drink their fill of champagne while you feel righteous by taking out your frustration on the people around you.
The system remains unchanged and all that happens is you keep a mind filled with hate and nonsense.
Nah Cotton; like most traumas in life people generally learn/grow from it but it still sucks that it ever happens. Ideally it’s something nobody should ever really have to put up with.
Truth be told I wasn’t spilling my guts to sounds “cool” because it was the furthest form it. I developed stupid and unhealthy coping mechanisms from dealing with assholes. I had to unlearn them and try my best to atone later. It’s not something good.
Bullying is one of those issues I fucking despise and I’m somewhat glad that attention is finally starting to be payed towards the subject.
Because those never result in anything even resembling a permanent step forwards. Being ‘nice’ and trying to use only votes and ‘peaceful’ protests is what allowed Wall Street and Congress to curbstomp the economy time and again. ANY who would counteract progress, whether that be financially or culturally or artistically, they must learn to FEAR for their lives if they’re going to be properly curtailed from pulling that nonsense again! Our way lasts a whole generation. The modern way lasts maybe a WEEK at most before status quo reasserts itself and censors any mention a ‘compromise’ was ever reached. A continual French Revolution if you will. A worker’s revolt akin to the Asturian rebellions.
@Niggoslav I don’t know about Tumblr, but DA can get pretty spiteful if you know where to look. It’s still not as anger-inducing and “clever” as the insults you’d see on Encyclopedia Dramatica, though.