@T-storm Berzerker
Oh man, how did I know you’d be here shitting all over the comments? I’m a big fan of your work, your carefully planned method of acting like an oversensitive delusional creepy moron in the comments of every image featuring Applejack or RD or both is most amusing. Truly inspired comedy. Stay golden you magnificent bastard.
It’s funny how the majority of comments in almost every ‘appledash-butthurt-case’ actually aren’t from delusional appledashfans, claiming it to be canon, but rather from bucking delusional (probably heartbroken) sissys simply claiming that they’ll SURE gonna claim…
Remember when ashleigh posted that pic on her instagramm few month ago and the first ~10000 comments where solely from people crying about the annoyance of the seemingly incoming ‘CANON-shouter, whereas the fans of that shipp stood pretty calm, to quietly enjoy the shitstorm?! xD
So it’s actually always ‘the haters’ making a big deal about such things xP
The problem with stuff over the Internet is, and with a lack of information people WILL think this stuff is real.I wouldn’t have known that MA Larson signed a book stating “flutterdash is canon’ as wella s this ‘appledash’ book.
Why would assuming someone had to pay for a copy of a book at a signing make me sound uneducated? That’s usually the way it works, so if you didn’t have to pay for the book you had signed I’d say you were lucky but also the exception to the rule, not the norm. And while you may have meant it as a joke, you didn’t make that clear anywhere or provide any context or information here or at the source (I guessed this was from a book signing by the book title and by looking at your other photos), and there are plenty, plenty, plenty of shippers that ARE serious when they post stuff like this, and they’ve used much less to try to “prove” themselves right.
Getting upset and resorting to using curse words and insults against people for taking entirely out of context material the wrong way makes a person sound far more uneducated, just fyi.
The whole “[Insert your Ponyship here]is canon” is gag. Its start when M.A.Larson first signed a copy of his book with the words “FlutterDash is Canon” for a fan,
since then, there have a few people who have requested this gag on their books. I requested this “AppleDash is canon” as a gag and homage to the rest. M.A.Larson does KNOW what canon means, but in NO WAY is this legitimately genuine NOR are the ships real! I didn’t know I’d have to write this description as I thought people were smart enough to understand, apparently I was mistaken. Again this is a gag/joke not REAL.
@Background Pony #9B1A
I didn’t pay anything….not even for the book. Please make sure you got your facts straight before assuming and/or commenting, you don’t want to sound uneducated.
@Beau Skunky
We get it.You’re not into shipping and see them all as friends.Do you really need to remind everyone about it on practically every picture that involves shipping you go on?
@T-storm Berzerker
Dude,seriously.I get you don’t like Appledash.I don’t care for it either.But 2 things I need you to get through your thick head.
1.This is a joke,not meant to be taken seriously.
2.If you hate Appledash so much,why the hell haven’t you hidden it already?!
@T-storm Berzerker
You know, people might think that YOU’RE brain dead. Thats not a very nice thing to say about someone with different opinions. You have to comment on every single rainbow dash or pinkie post, you don’ think that’s annoying from time to time? You ship pinkie pie and rainbow dash together and you’re gonna give people shit for liking appledash? Look in the mirror T-storm. I think you’ve been on the internet a little too long.