@Background Pony #B7FA
I’m not one for sensitivity seminars either. No point bringing everyone in for a talk that should be had with the individual, it just wastes the time of people who aren’t responsible for the issue. And that’s the main problem I have with SJWs as well as those who have called for more excessive measures against IDW: the concept of guilt by association. Plenty of men and white people don’t act with prejudice toward anyone. Plenty of IDW employees aren’t associated with Ted’s behavior. We should punish the guilty and leave the innocent in peace.
Are you talking about when Card was removed from that one Superman comic? Because I didn’t think he should of been, and hell that’s a situation where there actually is social bias against the group.I just don’t think writers should be fired for their opinions unless it’s really balantly in the comic, Anderson fucked up bad with that one OC yes, but it’s something so obscure that it’s not going to be influencing anyone because the only people who would know of it are already in the know as to what that person thinks. So to me it’s not the same situation as if he had the characters express the views he posted about on forums and his blog.It’s like with Frank Miller, I find Miller personally a pretty insane person nowadays but I still like a lot of his work.
@Background Pony #B7FA
“deliberately put in a very toxic reference”Dangerously close to Tumblr-speak there. Also, if a person talks like an idiot on their blog, that’s their business. It’s not our job to censor opinions. We’re just objecting to Ted’s behavior because he’s justifying the mistreatment of the very fans the comic is marketed to, which makes him unfit to work on it.
That… that can’t be right…Dear god, do people actually believe that’s why people don’t like DD or Ted?
I have read them, it’s completely true that sexism toward men doesn’t exist on a socitial level. And the personal beliefs of some crazy girl on tumblr are just irrelevant. There is a difference between personal bigotry and socitial bigotry. Being a mysandrist or whatever makes you an asshat sure, but you are a mostly harmless asshat because there’s no society where you have any real power.If he said something like “I THINK MEN ARE ALL EVIL” or something that’d be a big deal but what he said was pretty basic sociology.
@The Smiling Pony
You’re still trying to have it both ways, in exactly the way you dismissed as “nothing of note”. You are complaining about being abused while outright declaring war on someone for associating with a person who showed her face. You can say all you want that you’re the victim, but someone showing their face is not an act of victimization, even if it’s done by someone who doesn’t like you. There’s no self-defense goingo n here. If hatred is really so awful, then stop doing it and speak rationally with people.
“Showed her face”? What are you even talking about?And as for speaking rationally to people, I’ve tried, oh yes I’ve tried. I’ve taken the first step multiple times, and I’m either ignored, insulted or regarded a “concern troll” or trying to “police their tone”.