you mean opinion and/or fanon.
the artist and neither the art its telling you to “OBEY!”, its just opinion. yeah, i think itrs kinda dumb too, but theres not need to demonize her for-
Besides, what tags should people filter?
Sexuality? Mouthpiece? Too narrow, barely makes a dent.
Hijab? Religion? Too wide, there are good pics in there with these tags.
There should be an art_with_an_agenda_where_the_ponies_themselves_barely_matter tag.
so? come on man, its not that hard.
if you think that badly of such people, why not filter and ignore “whichever individual” after the first time?
i would like to coment on wheter they actualy ARE shallow or just very sexualy driven(or maybe its just everyone around them) but nothing comes to mind. all i know is that i personaly dont see sex as the end-game activity of life… so theres that.
I said this on the other image, but I’ll say it here as well. anyone who bring up their gender and/or sexual orientation up first must be a very shallow individual.
you know what this pic reminded me of…
that whole “stop shoving stuff down our throaths!” and that one response that went something like “just filter it”
i have read those lines a lot since 2010.
If there is a conclusion to that mess, it’s that people need to stop being so ridiculously oversensitive (that goes for everyone, not just for those who have the reputation of being oversensitive). And that’s exactly what you are, if you get riled up over this picture.
That’s not to say that there aren’t any other forms of oversensivity here, but… Yeah, I think I’ll just stop here.
@Darth Sonic
Not much, no. That was more along the lines of pointing out the ridiculousness of a position by simply reversing the particulars, to wit, “heteros should stop shoving their sexuality in everyone’s faces” and “homos/bis/whatevers should stop shoving their sexuality in everyone’s faces” are both equally absurd things to say.
Yes I hate it when straight people constantly express their sexuality and shove it in your face. They should learn to keep it to themselves and if they show even a hint of it they should get called “breeder” and be lynched in a back allyway but having an imageboard question if they are allowed to express their sexuality through their art will have to do for now. /sarcasm
I think it is more that a female who has multiple partners in the past is more likely to accidentally or deliberately cuckold the person she is marred to because a child could have been conceived from a previous sexual partner, Also christian Fundies.
@Darth Sonic
I dunno, has “abackgroundpony” ever just come right on out an’ said he thinks it should be totes okay to rape a woman if she changes her mind after saying “yes”? ‘Cuz that’s the level of woman-hatin’ we’re talking about here.