These were great! Though it didn’t dawn on me until after it was over that I could just take a post it note with me. Just mainly left the ones I saw up for others to see.
I was talking to the creator of the post it ponies after the con and the creator mentioned they were posting them up saturday night with a security guard ripping them all down. Security asked creator to stop, replies with “I can draw faster than you can take them down” and kept on sticking them to the wall.
Was probably when he was posting the parasprites. There were several Fluffle Puffs and a Chrysalis as well. Chrissy disappeared in under 15 minutes. Someone took a picture of it before it was gone and passed it around
I was talking to the creator of the post it ponies after the con and the creator mentioned they were posting them up saturday night with a security guard ripping them all down. Security asked creator to stop, replies with “I can draw faster than you can take them down” and kept on sticking them to the wall.
Was probably when he was posting the parasprites. There were several Fluffle Puffs and a Chrysalis as well. Chrissy disappeared in under 15 minutes. Someone took a picture of it before it was gone and passed it around
Oh, and it’s spelled “making”.