@Background Pony #36B4
There is another shot around, within the last week, which is from the spanish VA taking some teasing photos.
One shot shows the mane 6 (ponies) around a table with their version of the book (looking like Celestia’s CM on it) and having a late-film time code.
My guess is that yes, between the library being able to power the portal, and the book being a persistent thing, they have a way to keep any EQG concepts going. I am absolutely not expecting any human-crossing-to-pony on the show within S5 but they have a way to launch a third movie and/or that Canterlot Academy thing that’s been floating around.
It looks like the crystal treebrary is helping to power the mirror when she uses it this time, which no one know about in the past movie
Also to take Reflections as canon, maybe SSTB popped that spell on that version of the mirror to only open limited times as to prevent the same thing that happened with the Sombra-verse, and Twilight’s magic + the crystal treebrary are able to override it
Oh believe me, I’m rolling my eyes at that too. Although it does prove that Twi is a scientific/magical badass. That’s the only positive aspect, I guess? :P
you guys are not taking into account how this narratively fits into Celestia. we know she forms a strong bond with her personal apprentices, almsot a parental one. and had a means of communication with twilight too. seems to me that celestia would have a personal means of communication with sunset shimmer.
for all her bluster, her keeping this book might show her insecutirties and doubts over her actions. she could not bring herself to dispose of the book despite not longer being celestia’s apprentice. likely some good thoughts and memories are connected to that book.
because she still cared about celestia i presume. while too subtle ot be caught on so easily, it think a large part of sunset’s behavior last movie was jealousy over tiwlight. celestia behaves much like a parent, and tiwlight is her more successful, younger sister in that sense.
more than that it seems to sow tht she had more doubts about her actions than she let on if she kept it.
My take is that while she was sure of leaving Celestia and that all behind, this was a possible lifeline if it turned out she was wrong and needed her help. But as she didn’t need it for the three-ish years (implied) while on the human side, she just let it slide.