@Background Pony #12C3
Which conclusion? In that flashback twilight seemed to just have crushed really hard on her brother because he was generally a very nice guy who was probably only a few years older than her. If a relationship started when they were minors twilight’s the one that is most likely to have initiated it. (Which would technically make her the predator since she could turn around and say shiny touched her at any time and everyone would believe her)
You also seem to think twily and shiny started screwing shortly after the wedding, but this comic states them having sex as after her fight with tirek, which likely happened at least two years after shining and cadence got married in canon. That is plenty of time for their relationship to advance naturally and would actually be quite slowly paced.
@Background Pony #12C3
I’ve seen siblings and cousins that had crushes on each other for their entire childhoods but didn’t mention anything about it until they were adults. Usually it goes unrequited, but sometimes it happens like in this picture. There isn’t a power play involved in this scenario.
I would be, but I’m desensitized. I just think it’s stupid. Cadance and Shining were made for each other. Literally, if you want to be meta about it.
Well, if you have the picture on your computer, just click the symbol to the right of “Images” on the bar at the top and go from there.
If you need help, This should be able to cover it.