Am I the only one that thinks that a Bambino/MLP:FIM crossover fanfic where the deer and pony kingdoms meet for royal buisness (no SunbuttXBambi thought I like dislestia more).
@Background Pony #E5D6
They could be WWI German cockades just as easily; Hitler specifically adopted the Deutsches Reich’s colors. But I don’t think the cockades are the only strange part of a picture of the pony goddess of the sun trying to sleep with Bambi’s dad.
As for why Bambi’s from the German Empire, it’s because the book was published in… … Austria in the 1920s?! The only time red, white, and black were the colors of a government ruling over Austria was…
Sunset Shimmer, orbital-rainbow-cannon your ditzy sovereign out of her bad-boy obsession and drunkenness before your fellow princess has to flee to Holland!
Well someone has to say it. They are deer. Deer run away at the slightest sound whether its a predator or not and only fight if they were caught by surprise and cant run away.