Pretty soft for a Sony.
I wonder how many people still use text based web browsers?
Last time I was working on a Linux based desktop computer I had to use Links to navigate Nvidias website to download a fresh driver after X11 failed using Nouveau. :d
Thankfully their website is Very straightforward so I just kept hitting tab and enter until I finally got a download link, living in a world of just text and no graphics of any kind would be very boring. :d
I wonder how many people still use text based web browsers?
Last time I was working on a Linux based desktop computer I had to use Links to navigate Nvidias website to download a fresh driver after X11 failed using Nouveau. :d
Thankfully their website is Very straightforward so I just kept hitting tab and enter until I finally got a download link, living in a world of just text and no graphics of any kind would be very boring. :d