All right, this silliness has gone on long enough. Yes, someone added the tag just so they could filter it, but that doesn’t mean the tag doesn’t belong. OP, do not remove that tag again.
This picture’s great and all the hating is ridiculous. If you don’t like it, great, whatever, but there’s not much to discuss about your hatred of it. Certainly if the discussion consists of flippant “psh this is trash into the filter it goes I hate this” with no actual content.
It’s not even an especially strong visual - it’s a graph connecting a bunch of colored dots. Seeing the thumbnail of a bunch of dots and lines is hardly such a life-shaking experience that it warrants a winding discussion about how much you want to filter it.
At least the tag seems to be here now. I’m not going to filter it, just regret clicking on it. Frankly, the uploader description is a better representation of the chart than the chart itself.
Yes, exactly. By removing the tag you make it both
A) harder for people who want to see it to find it
B) harder for annoying detractors like me to filter it
It’s so stupid how offended people get at this. Kilala’s OCs are pretty unique and have a lot of effort and backstory put into them. Don’t like offspring? Block the freaking tag and stop whining.
Not really seeing the problem here. It’s just one dude’s interpretation on fan pairings. Is looking at this going to force you to accept these pairings or make your eyes pop out of your skull?