Background Pony #A022
If he was royalty wouldn’t his blood be fuchsia? :P
Lord WyrmSpawN
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Lingering Wyvern
@Background Pony #332B  
CT:D –> I too would like to gauge this hoofbeast’s proper placement in it’s society.
(There, happy now?)
Background Pony #2F53
No Homestuck refrences in the comments? Shame.
Background Pony #1FE6
To be honest they could just have him being both a douche and yet has a good side in him. tell me, Don’t you have at least one friend who is a scumbag? I really doubt He spends most of his time Killing puppies, Even Hitler out of all people wasn’t a cold blooded monster when he was in his freetime

@Background Pony #BC6D  
Yeah, but the only way they’ll be able to do him justice, and not be just a punching bag, would have to feature an episode revolving around him.
Given how the show works, it would have to have one of the main six, Spike, or the CMC helping/interacting with him and playing a big role.
(Unless they do a comic about him, where there isn’t that limitation.)
It could be done, it could be funny. Will it be done?…Eh, maybe. There aren’t a lot of central male characters, beside Spike. Still, it’d be hard to think of an episode to do with him, unless it was adjusting his attitude.
I’d say it’d be a perfect episode for Twilight. (Fluttershy already did it with Discord, so it’d come close to rehashing that episode. Rarity’s already had plenty of episodes about generosity.) I think Twilight could show him how to become a better ruler/friend. It’d show how much she’s learned over the show.
But if Blueblood isn’t a douchebag, and is shown to be nice….I have no idea what they’d do with him, other than a cameo or side lined appearance, like Bulk Biceps in Rainbow Falls and Fancy Pants. Important to the events of the plot, but not a real centric figure or an antagonist.
Lord WyrmSpawN
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Lingering Wyvern
@Background Pony #BC6D  
That is a very legitimate fear.
Background Pony #1FE6
He already appeared in Equestrian Games if that counts  
If you mean him having a role in an episode then that could be funny but I fear that they would make him a punching bag to please the fandom
Background Pony #15AB
blueblood alicorn you got good points.
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Yea, I’m just gonna explain myself for posterity. And if anyone disagrees they can respond directly.
Boom: Rarity was wrong to expect him to act princely. Silly naivete.  
However, she did not feel entitled to a perfect prince. When he initially failed to live up to her fantasy she gave him the benefit of the doubt.
And also, she did her job as a lady by being deferential to the man and letting him lead (she’s a character based on old gender roles anyway).  
This is also why she was not wrong to expect him to be a gentleman. And she was right to get mad when he rudely failed to live up to this (meaning he did it in a rude manner, not that not doing so was rude).  
And I think that’s all.
Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

@Background Pony #5B80  
I’m chill. I have said I don’t hate Blueblood and would find it funny if he returned.
Background Pony #15AB
@Background Pony #1AEF
WOAH….MY PEEPS…MY DUDES…CHIILLAX OKAY CHILL…wonder what would happen if blueblood was alicorn..
Background Pony #BC15
That seems to apply to most of this thread, IMHO.
Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Did I not say that she had bad expectations? That’s simply all she did wrong.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Stop Right There!
“completely ignore”  
Yes, that does seem to be what you’re doing. Lesson learned, don’t have a conversation with someone determined to not listen.
Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

>completely ignore  
Confirmed for not understanding anything I have said.  
Pretty sad really. Because I did say she was foolish to assume he would be princely.
If her bad expectations was what people railed against then fine. But here’s the thing, having misplaced expectations was what they all had. It was kinda of the idea of the episode.
And also, you overstate things. When he initially did not live up to her expectations she gave him the benefit of the doubt. It was only when he acted rudely that she got angry.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Stop Right There!
Well, offhand I would say she was “in the wrong” for trying to become romantically involved with someone solely based on their title and her own fantasies, with no consideration given whatsoever to who that person actually was or their feelings on the matter. Not that she deserved to be treated like dirt over it or anything, but like all the other characters her “problems” were largely self-inflicted based on unrealistic expectations. Her night would not have been “ruined” by a boor like Blueblood if she hadn’t assumed he would fit her “prince” fantasy before even meeting him.
Counter question, do you think you are being a “fan” of a character when you completely ignore every facet of that character that isn’t admirable?

But thanks to Sombra we have:  
So he gets a pass.

I’ll counter that with “crystals” and “slaves” both of which should be murmured with your arm pressed up against your mouth.

@Background Pony #CEF6
I was being sarcastic…  
I mean, ‘fury of a thousand suns’ - this isn’t a comic book.
Background Pony #F74E
@Background Pony #5B6B  
…because a self-absorbed snob who was the antagonist for roughly 1/6 of an episode didn’t have a charming, compelling personality to make the fandom like him more?
Background Pony #94BF
When you put it like that, it just makes all of the fucked writing all the more apperent

At least the Evil Monsters of the shows have a personality, motivation, and charm. Blueblodd is just a snob. That’s the end of his character.

@Background Pony #CEF6  
Thats a major problem I’ve got with the guy,he feels,generic.Not very interesting,just a snobby bully(then again generic bullies are a reason I don’t like characters like DT,Babs,Gilda,the teen dragons,etc.)
Background Pony #F74E
So jerks, rich people, snobs and other “elite” types should be hated with the fury of one thousand suns? Still seems a bit harsh, especially for rich people and other “elite” types (unless they’re guilty of being jerks, snobs, or other moral failings).
It’s definitely true that Blueblood gets more hate and fewer fans than more morally-transgressive antagonists, such as Discord, Chrysalis, the Flim-Flam brothers, and Gilda. I don’t think it has anything to do with his being male, though; it’s mostly because he’s just not very charismatic.
Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Yea, he doesn’t deserve genuine ire. I have actually said he would be funny to bring back.