The sales are decreasing indeed, and keep this on mind- a story about a goddamn emo BOOKWORM, which was your generic “mixed fairy tales and it’s characters into life” story sold MORE, and was BETTER accepted than Cook’s “Epic love story”
Let’s see how well her “Uhh 4chan losers, I’m SO going to mock you!” excuse fares against next month’s sales reports displaying cold, solid numbers.
The second issue of “Reflections” sold 592 comics less than the first one.
The third issue of “Reflections” sold 3,863 comics less than the first issue and 3,271 comics less than the second one.
The reader’s negative recption to this arc and the loss of sales is impossible to shrugh off or blame on the “fans”.
I wonder what will be Andy and Katie’s answer to this. Unfortunately, the most probably reaction I expect from them is drawing another Chrysalis sticking her tongue out, laughing it off as “lol 4chan haters” and talk about how they are, “disappointed in the fandom.”
Actually, why weren’t the ‘evil’ main six present? Assuming it’s an alternate Equestria, wouldn’t there be a version of their own Elements?
Yeah, I won’t pretend this comic went every where I wanted it to go (exploring and manesix vs Malcontent Miscreants action). But I’m overall pleased with what it did do instead.
@Background Pony #C17B
I prefer to think the comics are canon, but leave some that I don’t care for out.
I think people are more upset that it doesn’t play out like other comics do. Other comics usually focus on the battles and the thoughts and ideas of what makes you good or not and how they lead down this road.
This comic didn’t, and while it isn’t bad, it leaves a lot out that could have been interesting.
Honestly, the adventure of Celestia and Starswirl could have been their own comic, and then we’d have more time and energy to focus on this one. (That and get rid of the ‘hurt other, hurt yourself’ thing.)
It’s kind of easy just to ignore the comics and pretend they never existed, right?
I just hope people won’t start massively hating Celestia after this arc. Anything but this.
Also, why do I have a feeling that the only people who hate this arc are either Dislestia shippers or sunfags?
I’m just frustrated that the action is pushed to the side because ‘merging verse means punching your other means you hurt yourself’ stupid clause that prevents the action.
Yeah, personally, I didn’t mind Pinkie in that episode and that one or two times I pointed it out were to just point out the irony of what she said in season 1.
Yeah, they could have some pages of introspective. (We could have had a conversation between good/Chrysalis and Twilight. DO YOU KNOW HOW AWESOME THAT COULD HAVE BEEN?)
Oh good. You know what’s worse about it? People actually want to KILL Amy Keating Rogers because of how she wrote Pinkie Pie’s character in the episode. SERIOUSLY?!?!
Also: I don’t think the Celestia subplot is nearly as bad as people think it is. It’s an odd turn, but it’s nowhere near the worst thing they’ve ever done. That’s reserved for Equestria Girls, of course.
Only if you’re dead set on hating Celestia (Which I can see you are). I ended up hating the writer more for completely wasting the opportunity.