Wow, I would have never thought that someone would legitimately make a sequel to this. You’ve pretty much just kept that person from exploding from sympathy too.
@Joseph Raszagal The tl;dr is they asked some wifebeater to write out what he did and why for an anger management class assignment, and he came back with a bloody manifesto on the practicality and usefulness of ‘slapping dat bitch down’
Thats one of my least favourites, strangely enough. Its drawn well and the colour to grey is neat, but the whole “Im pathetic and worthless” constantly-apologizing attitude is just cringeworthy to me, and even more OOC then all of these.
Also her neck is way too thick in the first 2. She looks homer in the first one. “..D’oh..”
@Background Pony #D4F7 I just want Vinyl to be happy. I know Vinyl is happy in that other picture, but that’s a different Vinyl–a Vinyl from a different universe. I want this Vinyl–bruised, broken-glasses Vinyl–to be happy again.
I know how feel trolls/posts/pics work, but this one just hits me so hard…please don’t mind me, I’m going to go crawl in a corner and cry.
@Cherry Picker
What you are describing, is pretty much how abusive relationships work. The abuser does something stupid – apologizes to never do stupid shit again – after a while, the abuser continues doing more stupid abusive shit and apologizes afterwards; rinse and repeat.