Additionally, Twilight did not appear in 3 episodes this season, same number as season 2.
She was in all, but 2 episodes of season 3.
She was in every episode of season 1.
@Background Pony #933D
Then let’s go back to your first post:
Is Twilight a Mary Sue?
Well, one of the most important elements of a Mary Sue is controlling the work. How many episodes this season have focused on Twilight?
6 episodes (PTS1&2, Three’s a Crowd, Twilight Time, and this one here)
How many other episodes have had her princessness even mentioned?
5 episodes
That leaves 15 episodes where she’s not more important than the other main characters.
Actually, several posts here have been about dismantling your assumption that Twilight is a sue that has had too much effort put to her, while at the same time, explaining how it’s wrong to judge an ep you haven’t seen.
What I said in that comment you quoted was that the show made too much of Twilight. No one has disagreed with that statement directly, all I’ve heard so far are a myriad of accusations.
You invited people to counter your opinion, then took umbrage when people actually provided some. Then, you took it a step further, by playing the victim as the “fanbois” supposedly ganged up on you. Which means either you did it purposely to provoke a response, or you’re incredibly thin skinned.
What, you were bothered by that? I was inviting disagreement, if in a hyperbolic way. The results, however, have been less impressive than a simple argument.
@Background Pony #933D
I haven’t said in a single comment whether I like or dislike it, because just like you, I haven’t seen it yet, my point is that you’re being irrational.
What people are hating on is the attitude you’re portraying, and like Zincy said, in your original comment you were practically begging people for responses, well congrats, you got a whole load of them.
Hardly. Did you forget that I was not the first to throw stones at anything but the show? You’re the one who hates opinions, not me. If you think it’s going to be great, good for you, but don’t expect me to feel the same.