Per the company rep, they said that cat’s behavior would not be the type they’d recommend to use in that system (There’s another vid that shows a more docile dog just sitting and enduring it).
But this is starting to get offtopic, just that this Luna image immediately brought that video to mind in the reaction macros.
There’s a difference between keeping the health of your pet up and cleaning it with that thing because the owner is too lazy to do it by hand. That machine is not necessary in any way and the cat is obviously terrified. This is equivalent to those videos people make where they put bags on their cat’s feet and laugh at it struggling to walk.
I’m sure that someone that cares about pet health validated the machine, made sure it wasn’t harming the pets with the jet stream, made sure the temperature controls were there, and of course there’s a big e-stop button in case something goes wrong.
But the cat is basically reacting the same way if someone tosses you in a room, locked it up, and without warning turned out jets of hot water at you. Harmful, no, but insensitive yes.