Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Background Pony #6B47  
If he’s willing to go that far, then talking to him won’t help at all. If someone is this obsessed with something, chances are they’re so lost in their delusions that people telling him he has a problem would probably make it worse. It’s a logical fallacy of “they dislike my beliefs or think I’m crazy, so I must be right.” It’s the same reason conspiracy theorists and the like will hold on to or even strengthen the supposed infallibility of their beliefs even when confronted with evidence to the contrary. Ignoring him would probably be the best thing to do, however, judging someone as criminal without just cause is beyond wrong.
Background Pony #14B0
Done nothing wrong? What about trying to shut down artists because he is offended by the way they portray his “wife?”
Get off your high horse, big boy. This guy desperately needs people to tell him what he’s doing isn’t ok because the people currently in his life are obviously enabling it.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Background Pony #0686  
@Background Pony #2BA4  
@Background Pony #6B47
Please do us a favour and stfu. Sure, he may be a bit over-obsessed with a toy, but isn’t obsessing over a toy a much better alternative to obsessively stalking an actual person? Maybe he has mental problems or disability, perhaps he can’t help being obsessed with a specific thing, I’m sure neither of you, as well as none of us personally know him and therefore, it’s wrong to judge him so harshly. Moreover, he hasn’t done anything wrong, because the last time I checked obsessing over an inanimate object(s) isn’t a crime. As well, please heed these wise words whenever you go to write something on the internet: “it is better to keep your mouth shut and risk looking like a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
Background Pony #635F
Jin owns a gun in case someone try to hurt him or twilight
Artist -

At first I was like “Dayum, that girl sure has some loving parents and KNOWS how to rock a Twilight collection…”
Then I read the comments, and the context…
Background Pony #635F
if a kid picks her up that he/she be shot for no reason all over a doll he needs help before he really hurts seombody
Background Pony #14B0
@Background Pony #0686  
Truly, he is a danger to himself and society.
Background Pony #635F
He will kill anyone over that plushie maybe even kids who touch her
Background Pony #14B0
@Background Pony #2BA4  
Unfortunately yes. See “jin” tag
Background Pony #6B9F
@Background Pony #6B47  
Wait, it’s that guy? He’s still out and about, unmedicated?

No, it’s obviously Rainbow Dash.
Background Pony #635F
I thought the girl who called herself bolt’s biggest fan was bad but just is way worse
Background Pony #8F8F
No, it wouldn’t be any less creepy if it was girl’s room
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Background Pony #14B0
It’s a guy. And he’s “married” to Twilight. He talks to his plushie
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gayest hand in the west
@Background Pony #F722  
I think it’s Pinkie Pie.

This is a girl or guy fan’s room?
Background Pony #3DCF
I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out who OP’s favorite pony is… does anyone have any ideas?
Background Human
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

CHS, Class of 20XX
@Background Pony #2BA4  
Not just any warship, an extreme Twilight warship. Ahoy!
Background Pony #6B9F
Yeah, a warship is pretty disturbing.
Background Pony #635F
@Background Pony #6B47  
Lol for really

Jeez, extreme Twilight warship is disturbing…
Artist -

I just can’t take all this “waifu” thing. I would like to have some stuff with Sapphire Shores in my house cause she’s my favorite, but this is… I just can not even at all.
Background Pony #14B0
It’s like a stalker shrine
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Gettin’ laid tonight.