Makes sense. The pony Flash Sentry she’s known for like ten seconds total. This is the one she wants to bang.
In fact, I’ve wondered if she wasn’t into humans in general because pony Flash didn’t merit a glance before she met human Flash. And here we thought it was Lyra with the human fetish…
Bonobos, ac lose genetic relative of humans (far more similar to humans than Equestrian ponies are to real ponies) have a similar sexual stamina to horses. Should we also conclude that humans only last for a fistful of seconds in bed?
To me it seems like a bizarre sort of power fantasy, where instead of imagining yourself more impressive, you imagine those around you as amazed by mediocrity.
“Norman, this is weird, what do I do?”
“You like this girl, right?”
“Yeah Grimsby, but~~”
“She wants your hawt human body.”
“Yeah, but~~”
“But what?”
“Talking flying unicorn.”