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Young Leosword
Ah, yes, New52. I know nothing of it as well because I’ve listened to a majority of comic fans across the web claim it sucks profusely, and have decided to ignore it. X3
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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Howdy 4 All
You mean the New 52 (AKA Nu52) or this current reboot that’s UNDOING the Nu52 reboot?
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

Oh, sorry, I should’ve specified. Didn’t they do another reboot of the DC Comics Universe awhile back?
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
I know of no other attempts to make an MCU-style film series leading up to the formation of the Justice League.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d spend a lot of time on a site dedicated to My Little Pony, I’d have laughed your face off. Things can change pretty quickly and all that, eh?
Plus, considering Wonder Woman seemed to be, like, the only thing universally praised from Batman V Superman, DC would’ve been crazy not to give her her own solo title. I just hope they don’t screw it up.
Didn’t they do yet another reboot awhile back?
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Young Leosword
DC’s internal management being horrible is likely the best explanation why the DCEU is taking forever. XD

All these comments from before the Wonder Woman movie was confirmed.  
They make me laugh.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

@Background Pony #147F
Alternatively, a humanoid shape that splits into a horde. For example, when his conversion machine is damaged, he shapeshifts into a horde of robots to dismantle Earth bit by bit.
Background Pony #9FB7
Its irrelevant if they incorporate elements of both Ultimates and 616 into the idea, as they have with every movie character so far.
He could be a horde that gelstalts into a humanoid shape, for instance.
Background Pony #B617
Only Background Pony #147F will.
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
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Young Leosword
@Background Pony #147F  
How do they kill him if he’s not a universe-old robot? :\
Either way, since MVC, EMH, and LEGO Marvel all used his classic design, it’s gonna be really tough to sell him to the kids we all know watch MCU if he’s a dust cloud. Never mind kids, who the hell in our demo will recognize a dust cloud as G-Man? <_<;
Background Pony #9FB7
@Background Pony #4AC3
It would be better to play him for Lovecraft type horror.
SOMEWHAT, like that movie, but with a great deal of buildup and foreshadowing. What with his ‘messengers’ appearing first and such things.
Background Pony #B617
@Background Pony #147F
Like in Fantastic 4 Rise of Silver Surfer?
Background Pony #9FB7
True, but the average movie goer isn’t going to care for or about justifying explanations like that.
Besides, making him a non-humanoid threat would give him an automatic contrast compared to Thanos.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

@Background Pony #147F
I have to disagree. I liked the original version of Galactus because it was suggested that he only looks human because we’re looking at him through human eyes. I mean, the dude eats planets. He can take whatever form he wants.
Background Pony #9FB7
It depends on how its played. Galactus would work if they went wit the ‘Sentient Horde of Alien Locust’ that Ultimate Marvel did.
Artist -

I feel that way about Ultimate Spiderman too. For a cartoon that is made by Man of Action, the guys who made the first Ben 10 and Generator Rex, it is kinda disappointing. Yes, the animation is great and the writing can be clever at times but the storytelling is pretty standard. The biggest crime is how Peter tends to forget that he is friends with his teammates at the start of episodes only to learn a lesson about friendship and teamwork by the episode’s end.
The greatest thing about Specatular, besides the opening theme, is that each episode was building up an overarching story and Peter’s relationships with other characters actually carry on throughout the series. It really made the characters more three dimensional and a sense that they are growing as people. Ultimate doesn’t have that effect. None of the episodes effect them in any way and they will always go back to stasis quo by the next episode. It really cheapens the lessons they learned from those episodes so what is even the point?
…Also, I didn’t like Rocket Raccoon in the series. The one for EMH was much better. And cuter. Ultimate Rocky is not. His voice is also too high for my taste.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

I was going to argue against that last thing you said until I reread it and saw you said United They Stand not Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Whew. Almost made myself look dumb there.
And I sincerely doubt anyone has anything good to say about United They Stand.
See, I have to say I don’t mind change so much. I was unhappy about Spectacular’s cancellation in favour of Ultimate, for example, but then I saw the positives. A) Gwen’s alive! Oh, thank Primus! I was so sure they’d kill her off at some point! Sure, she and Pete can’t exactly be together, but she’s alive, so there’s hope. B) Hey, Paul Dini’s involved! Awesome!
But I have to say I was disappointed by Ultimate. I mean, I watched the entire first season and some episodes struck me as great fun (for example, the one where Spidey’s forced to sing in MJ’s musical), but overall I just couldn’t get into it. Spidey’s teammates (and Nick Fury at times) seemed like major jerks with few redeeming qualities, and the whole fourh-wall breaking thing didn’t strike me as Spidey-like at all.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gizmonics Scientist
Oh and I will take Avengers Assemble over The Avengers: United They Stand, I could not stand that one, it just bugged me.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Gizmonics Scientist
I’m glad someone sees what I mean.  
I’m sick of the whiny fanboys always yelling out how a show sucks when it’s not bad but no, it has to be the same as the last one, can’t have any change even thought change is what keeps them going and trying to undo some changes have been the reason behind some of the dumbest thing in Marvel history, like One More Day was to get Peter single again because Joe Quesada thought he was more relatable that way, and look how it wasn’t just the whiny fanboys but ALL the fans that raged over that.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Ah I saw your previous post and, too, was going to say, “Now wait a minute…”
But yeah it sucks being a fan of the current Marvel stuff when you’re constantly hearing constant fanboy whining “Wahh Ultimate ain’t no Spectacular”, “Why is this show FUNNY?!? I want SRSbiznss show like Young Justice”, “Damn you, Loeb.”
I think the only one I find it really hard to like is Avengers Assemble. I like the less stylized characters, the new VAs, and introducing certain Marvel characters like Dracula and Hyperion, but the writing is just so.. “blah” in comparison to EMH. Feels more manufactured by people who don’t give a crap about the source material.
Speaking Fancy - For helping with translations

Really? I was under the impression that compared to the Greek gods, who picked on humans a lot, the Norse ones generally benign to humans and murderous towards the ice giants and other traditional enemies.
@Background Human  
Guys, guys! What if the general public’s perception of Aquaman is based on the one from the Brave and the Bold? Would that not be (dare I say it? Yes, I dare!) OUTRAGEOUS?
Incidentally, I never got round to watching the Green Lantern movie, but from what I understand, didn’t they turn Hal Jordan into just another arrogant jerk with some sort of Freudian excuse?
I was always under the impression that Jordan was an upright do-gooder type almost on the level of Superman, and it was the fact he couldn’t help his own home city when it was destroyed that drove him insane. I might’ve watched a movie where he got the ring and is inspired to do good, only to get increasingly frustrated at the fact he can only do so much. Instead, we got Parallax, much too soon.
Background Pony #0159
@Darth Sonic  
Maybe, it’s just that the movie was a mockery to the Mandarin who was suppose to be Ironman’s greatest nemesis wielding the 10 rings of power.
Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Background Pony #6442  
Am I one of the few People who consider Iron Man 3 his favorite?