Background Pony #2479
@Millennial Dan  
Anyone else going to remember that he was brainwashed by Chrysalis at the time? No, just me? alright then, get back to your squabble.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

What I said earlier was no exaggeration. Twilight’s behavior was unthinkable by any civilized measure. She ostensibly humiliated, accused, and traumatized “Cadance” during her wedding preparations. Honestly, Shining responded pretty gently all things considered.

@Starlight Storm  
‘There he was so angry that he preffered that his sister didn’t attend such an event that was very important for him.’
And that should make me like him HOW?!! {I am an older brother with a little sister. Never, NEVER would I treat her in such a way. If I was harsh, I’d have taken her and made her apologize. NOT BAN HER FROM MY WEDDING!}
Starlight Storm

A serious one-on-one with his little sister… A Canterlot Wedding? When he got mad at her for trying to ruin his wedding out of jealous (or at least everyone though)?  
There he was so angry that he preffered that his sister didn’t attend such an event that was very important for him.  
Also, besides being a nerd that loves the popular girl, the comic version of Shining Armor didn’t add any depth for him. If anything, it changed a “flat” military, protectve big brother personality for another flat and generic nerdy in love stereotype.  
Also, Twilight said she was always proud of his brother, and in the comics… She’s more ashamed than produ let’s be honest (and I don’t blame her).
Millennial Dan
Artist -

Basically, you agree that he’s a walking cliché in the comic, but it’s okay because rule of funny/weird relatability.
In the show, he was far more believable. He actually acted like a normal person instead of a big joke piece. As far as I’m concerned, they’re two completely different characters. There were indubitably much better ways of developing his history and personality than by turning him into… that.

@Millennial Dan  
At least Shining was funny and the interactions between him and Twilight in the comic were believable. Heck, they reminded me of me and my little sister. He was likable and whatnot. Yes, it was pretty similar to your standard ‘geek gets popular girl’ stories…but you know what, those are usually enjoyable comedies. And this was enjoyable so I have no qualms with it.
The show’s version of the character is just so..l.bland. I said it again, but it bears repeating. Get back to me when he has some serious one-on-one time with his little sister and develops a character.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

One of the things that I’m arguing is that the comic DIDN’T give him any depth. To use your own wording, they used a “bland” nerdy template and slapped it on him, and even gave him a Napoleon Dynamite moment for good measure.
I wasn’t impressed in the least. Remember what I said before, it’s just fantasy fulfillment for geeks. Do you really want to participate in something that demeaning?

@Millennial Dan  
I’m going with the comic for two reasons.
1: People change over time and the comic never debunked or said anything against Shining Armor wanting to get into the military.
2: This comic gave Shining Armor an in depth character and made me like him, while the show’s representation of the character is rather bland and I couldn’t care less if we ever saw him again.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

@Starlight Storm  
Remember again, cutie marks are “destiny indicators”. He was always into military stuff, and the comic didn’t play off of that OR his obvious leadership abilities in the least. It just made him out to be a really sad little dork because that’s apparently what everyone expects from a protagonist these days, especially if he’s a dude.
Starlight Storm

Well, in the entire comic he shows no sign whatsoever of leadership or inteligence. Most of, if not all, the plans to get Cadance come from his friends.
In Games Ponies Play and A Canterlot Wedding, we see he’s that big of an authority and has a really big sense of leadership. Also, he’s shown to be really awake and confident, something his persona in the comics only showed ONCE, and only at the end.

@Millennial Dan  
Never a time when Shining was like what?  
Are you saying that those short glimpses in BBBFF somehow debunk the comic book’s portrayal? If so, you’d need a canon timeline to qualify that claim. Besides, he’s gonna be more affable when it’s just him and his sister, so the situations are not comparable.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

You forgot my other point. There never was a time when Shining was like that. And even if I were to allow for the possibility that he was, it would still be completely trite and dumb for the various reasons I already mentioned.

@Millennial Dan  
People change as they grow older, you know.
Especially shy guys who have attracted that certain kind of girl that wants to get them out of their shell. I saw it happen to a friend of mine, he completely opened up and it’s like he’s a totally different person. Cadence is definitely that kind of girl.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

Well, sort of. It’s true that this kind of fantasy fulfillment is something I’ve learned to sniff at in storytelling to a certain degree, but mainly, I just think the whole thing was ridiculously cliché.
In the show, we saw that Shining Armor wanted to be in the Royal Guard since before he even had a Cutie Mark. He’s much bigger than an average unicorn, and in Games Ponies Play, he’s an athletic director. He’s confident, bold, quite strong, and never really at a loss for words, even when his sister does something unthinkable. None of that even remotely resembles the personality we see them portraying in the comic.
And why did they give him a stereotypically awkward, shy-around-girls, nerdy persona? Because that’s considered to be far more acceptable, when it comes to protagonists. Think about it; “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” sells a lot better, in theory, than “Diary of a Big Jock and a Bully”, or “Diary of a Perfectly Well-Adjusted, B-Average Student”.
The sad thing is, the audience plays along to this tune without much fuss. Never mind that moments like these:  
are not really normal for anyone, let alone Shining Armor, the military nut.

@Millennial Dan  
I’m sure it’s because you’re like me; jealous that the most popular girl in school that also happened to have a heart of gold didn’t exist let alone fall chronically head-over-heels for you.
Millennial Dan
Artist -

Love the art. Hated that comic.

Kotone Shiomi fanboy
Never tired of Uotapo’s stuff! great work!
Since the Beginning  -

Salt Miner.
That chin on Buck almost makes him look like Space Dandy or something.
Starlight Storm

I’m totally conflicted for this pic. On one hand, it’s simply gorgeous, totally another hit by uotapo. On the other hand… IT’S BASED IN THE “NERDY BUCKIN WHINEMORE” ARC! Well, as long as this Shining Armor actually DOES something besides staring at the emptyness and let his friends (and the guy from Quantum Leap) do everything for him.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The Tastiest
Everyone is jelly of how awesome Shining got it.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

His nails look fabulous.

Why the hell did you have to mention that?

Buck doing his best Space Dandy.
Background Pony #FCB2
I agree. He keeps his stuff clean, and that’s refreshing.

Shining don’t be a kitten and do it!
Anyways Uotapo is my fave artist when it comes to non sexual humanizations and i also love how quick he does them.
Keep up the amazing work!