@Background Pony #80B4
No idea is ever entitled to respect. Especially opinions.
“Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one.”
The respect they get is respect enough to allow the person to explain their reasoning behind their opinion and no further. Anything more has to be earned by means of their merit. Those that can survive continual scrutiny and are based on evidence, logic, and reasoned thinking are the ones that earn their merit.
Those that do not can be dismissed as such, and are not worthy of anyone’s time.
I actually largely agree with that, and it’s a heck of a lot more reasonable than saying it’s in the same class as Plan 9 from Outer Space. As disappointingly cliched and flawed as the plot was (not terrible, but not good either), there was still enough that I enjoyed (mostly the ponyverse parts, and the interactions between Twilight and Spike) that I don’t regret watching it, even if I’m not in a hurry to watch it again.
Even though, in the final analysis, EqG struck me as mediocre, I can understand how someone could like parts of it enough to forgive its flaws and say it’s good, and I can understand how someone could dislike its music and its gags and say its storytelling shortcomings prove it’s bad.
I’d say all film opinions are entitled to respect. It’s a little petty to not give it that. I’m not even trying to defend the movie, just asking if I fall into your “idiot” category.
@Background Pony #80B4
Reasons why you enjoy it besides “I liked it” (which is, as I pointed out, circular logic) and why despite the numerous plotholes, stupid things, etc brought up in any of the reviews.
Despite what you may think, it’s not that simple to just say “I don’t agree with the criticisms” if you wish to be taken seriously. If you’re going to defend the movie in any meaningful way you have to provide arguments beyond simple “mah opineun” or logically fallacious arguments. Ignoring evidence and ignoring arguments is never a smart thing to do and if you do don’t be surprised when people see you as… well… not someone whose opinion should be the least bit respected.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but not all opinions are entitled to respect.
What other reason do you want me to give? It all comes down to personal preference. I thought it was so awesome! :D Stop acting so high and mighty about your opinions as if they’re right, please.
I’m not trying to do anything, stop being so suspicious. I liked the movie because I enjoyed it and don’t agree with any of the criticism, that’s a good enough reason to me. :)
@Background Pony #80B4
Then first of all I’d have to seriously question if you even know what a good movie even is or ever seen anything other than equestria girls.
And if you say, “no”, well there’s your problem.
If you say “yes”, then I’d have to ask what exactly makes EQG better than those movies?
If you cannot do that, then you must seriously ask yourself, “do I have a good reason for thinking that this thing is so perfect? Or is my opinion little more than just rabid fanboyism?”
By the way, don’t think I haven’t caught on to what you’re really trying to do here. If you think you can bait me into losing my cool and breaking rule 0 just so you can report me, you can forget it because it’s not going to work.
Now, I agree with alot of what these reviews say (I wouldn’t link to them if I didn’t), though even I do think it is a bit overblown to call it the worst movie of all time. At best it’s mediocre, at worst it’s cliched crap.
Best I can describe it: This movie would would have been acceptable if this were released in the 80s or 90s when the whole high school trope was… not necessarily fresh but still not a horse that was beaten to death a billion times. However, this is the 2010s. The bar is much higher now, the standards have risen (especially when said standards have been raised through the roof by the show it spawned from). Simply high school prom with a different end goal and an excuse start plot simply doesn’t cut it anymore. And it seriously does not meet the standards set up today.
Which is this movie’s whole problem: It’s like Duke Nukem Forever: It’s trying to be hip and edgy to a modern day audience while its whole mindset is stuck in the past. That just doesn’t work, especially when the show that spawned it has far exceeded that standard.
It thinks it can get ahead by doing what it did in the past with only minor plot variation and throwing in some cheap fanservice, and thinks that the path to prosperity is by knocking off of a rival franchise (monster high).
That just doesn’t work. You don’t get ahead by being stuck in the past and following someone else’s trail. You get ahead by being the leader, not the follower.
… And it sure as hell isn’t deserving of a sequel.
@Background Pony #80B4
Personally, I’m glad you enjoyed it, but if your opinion of EqG is that high then I think our tastes are far enough apart that I would be skeptical of your reviews and recommendations. Just as I’m skeptical of the reviews and recommendations of those who say EqG is one of the worst movies of all time, though for different reasons.
So, the only ways to enjoy EqG are ironically as a “so bad it’s good” movie, or as “OMC gratest muvee evar!!”, and all those people saying “it was flawed, but I still had fun” are deluding themselves?
Do you enjoy it despite knowing it’s a bad movie (in other words, like you would enjoy Plan 9 from outer space,) Or do you think “LAWLZ DIS IS DA BEST MOVIE EVAR BECUZ MAH LITTUL PONEH LOGOH!”
If the former, no.
Believe it or not there are such things as objective standards. Even for things like movies and such.
So let me try asking a bit more bluntly: Do you think it’s only people who wanted a sequel to EqG who are idiots, or does that apply to anyone who enjoyed the movie?
@That one guy….
Maybe because some of us actually thought the first one was pretty enjoyable? Also they won’t have to spend half the movie re-introducing all the characters, or doing silly Twilight-getting-used-to-being-a-human jokes, so there’s the possibility that we’ll get more character focus.